5 crazy reasons you’re not making more money in your biz

5 crazy reasons you’re not making more money in your biz

1 —> You’re not asking for the sale.If you wanna make money, you’ve gotta ASK for dat moneyyyyy, yo.2 —> You’re under-charging.Stop charging what you think people will pay, and start charging what you know you’re WORTH.3 —> You’re not obsessed with what you’re selling.If you’re selling only to make money, you will likely be unhappy with the results. You need to sell from a place of “OMG I am so freakin’ excited to do this program/course/retreat/event/mastermind!!!”. Be obsessed with what you’re selling and others will, too.4 —> You’re selling a program/product, and not a solution.Your customer/client doesn’t care about the program or the product. They don’t care about how many phone calls they get or what extra bonuses are included. All the wanna know? WILL THIS HELP ME (and HOW)? Focus on the solution, not on the program/product, and you’ll make more money.5 —> You’ve made it hard for people to pay you.If I have to click 6 different links and buttons until I’m at the payment page, you’re gonna lose me as a customer/client. I want to pay you and I want to pay you now, before I have a chance to change my mind. Make it easy for me. Accept all forms of payment. Accept all credit cards. Offer payment plans. Don’t give me a reason to say “no” and walk away.Making a lot of money is easy.Especially online, with all of the tools we have access to. 👩🏻‍💻So if you’re NOT making the money you want to be making, take a look at how you’re selling and your emotions around it. Deal with those and selling will...
5 crazy reasons you’re not making more money in your biz


The thing that irritates me the most is complaining about something you don’t have, that you haven’t yet fully committed yourself to having. You can want, want, want, all the live long day, but if you don’t DECIDE it’s yours, now – If you don’t COMMIT to doing what it takes (WHATEVER it takes) – And if you don’t fully go after it with the focus and determination of a crackhead in search of her next fix – Then girl, you ain’t ever gonna have it. RUTHLESS ACTION. UNLIMITED ACTION. CONSISTENT ACTION.Day after day.You can’t be timid. You can’t allow fear to take over. You have to move - go - act - now, and always.You must be so damn PERSISTENT in getting what you want, that no one and no one can stop you.If you find yourself saying things like – “I would, but ______ (insert BS excuse here).”“I will, as soon as I ______ first.”“I wish I could afford to!”“I just don’t have the time.”“I tried before and it didn’t work.”I’d ask yourself if you REALLY do want the thing you say you want.Because these? These are things that those who never get what they want say. The ones who are half in. The ones who never jump all the way in because they’re so fucking SCARED.Scared of failure.Scared of it “not working”. Scared of looking stupid.Scared of being called selfish.Scared of it taking longer than desired.Scared of it costing “too much” money.Scared of someone else “stealing” an idea.Scared of letting your family down. Scared of letting YOURSELF down.If you want something, and you want it bad enough, you don’t stop when things get hard....


Think about who you want to be in 5 years –Hell, even 2 years or LESS, from now – What are you wearing? Where are you living? What are you eating?Who are you spending time with?What kind of work are you doing?How much money are you making? Where and how often are you traveling? HOW are you travelling? First class? Private jet?NOTHING is off limits here.Write about you 2 years from now. Who IS this person?Then, starting today, starting RIGHT NOW –BE THAT PERSON.Before you do anything, ask yourself, is this how $1 Million (or whatever amount of money you want to be making in 2 years) ___ (your name here) would be living/acting/speaking/eating/shopping?Example:You want to buy a new pair of shoes.The ones you like are $500.The ones that are “okay”, are only $200.You go back and forth between the two because you REALLY want the $500 pair. But you can’t get over the price.“Can I really afford it?”“The other shoes are fine, I should just get those.”This is the perfect time to ask yourself, (using your name and money goal), “Is this how $10 million dollar Cassie would shop for new shoes?”.Answer: HELL NAW.And it’s not just the money stuff either, it’s also how you speak, how you act, what you wear, what you eat.To become the person you want to be 2, 5, 10, 15 years from now, you don’t WAIT until it happens, you start acting as if you ALREADY ARE her.And by being this person, doing work you love, all day, every day, you NEVER, not once, EVER consider retirement, because retirement is WORSE than the life you’re living.Now THAT...
5 crazy reasons you’re not making more money in your biz


I used to think I could do it all on my own – Grow my businessAttract paying clientsWrite amazing contentCreate new programsSell effectively (& actually make money)Write & sell a bookLaunch with immediate success I was so naive. So arrogant. I assumed I had all the answers and didn’t need anyone else messing me up - hahaha!I’ve since learned that YES, techincally I CAN do it on my own – If I never want to sleep. If I want to take YEARS to master my craft, instead of getting pretty up-to-speed with things in just months. If I like waiting ages to get any kind of results.And I also learned that NO, I don’t want to wait. Don’t want to be glued to my laptop 24/7. Don’t want to take years when it can take just months (or less) to get the results I want. So I started hiring mentors. Started buying courses. Started joining programs.Started paying for masterminds. And my results SKY-ROCKETED. Faster than I ever imagined possible. $250,000 in 12 months. $750,000 in 24 months. Over ONE MILLION dollars in 36 months. Results I wouldn’t have achieved in that amount of time had I tried to do everything on my own, like I was so tempted to do. I was cheap. I was so focused on the fact that “I don’t have enough money to hire that coach, buy that program, join that mastermind” - even though my soul was screaming at me, begging me to say YES.Because soul always knows best.CREDIT CARDS SAVED THE DAY FOR ME. Every coach, program, course, mastermind and event that I ever paid for, was paid for with a credit card.I may...
5 crazy reasons you’re not making more money in your biz


I’ve been called many things in my life. But most of all, I’ve been called irresponsible. Selfish. Delusional. And I’m frequently called a bitch by many. All because I long ago decided to put myself first, and to go after what I want, no matter how “unlikely” it is to happen.I decided that, regardless of what people thought of me, I was going to trust my gut and do the things that felt right for ME. If taking care of ourselves and going after what we desire in life makes us an irresponsible, selfish, delusional bitch, then, I guess what’s just what we are, huh?Because YES, we will always do the things that make us feel most ALIVE, even if others tell us that we’re crazy. We are ambitious AF and have big dreams, and never will we allow others to tell us what we can or can’t accomplish. And YES, we will always take care of ourselves and do things for US that have us feeling AMAZING, even if that makes others uncomfortable. We understand that if we don’t take care of ourselves, we can hardly help others. And YES, we will set big, huge, wildly “unrealistic” goals every damn day of the week. We know what we’re capable of. And we’ve never been “realistic” anyway. 😉And YES, we speak our mind, say what we really think, and share our opinions loudly - what we have to say is VALID and VALUABLE.We don’t care if others disagree. We only care that we stay true to who we are. (And those who don’t like that can STFU and go away. 👋🏻)WE GO AFTER WHAT WE WANT.WE ARE HERE TO...