About that time I missed my business class flight and had to fly economy… :O

About that time I missed my business class flight and had to fly economy… :O

One of the affirmations I’ve been repeatedly writing in my journal for years now is “everything happens FOR me, not TO me“.

It’s changed the way I think.
It’s changed the way I act. 
It’s changed the way I live.

And ultimately, it’s changed the way I receive.

Because I now receive A LOT more, way faster, and so much easier than before, when I thought the world was out to get me.

It’s funny when you think about it, really.

Why would the world care about hurting you?

Why would anyone go out of their way to do you wrong?

And damn, how egotistical of you to think that people are so focused on YOU that they would spend their time plotting ways to screw you over.

What’s true is this:

We all care about ourselves more than we care about anyone else.

Sure, you can say you care about your kids more. Or your animals. Or your partner.

But you’d be lying. Perhaps even to yourself. 🙂

We are all out for ourselves. And yes, definitely –

There are certainly some people who do care about others as well. Who truly WANT to do good in the world. Who have big dreams and goals to change lives.

That’s all well and good. But there is NO WAY that those people (you and I included!) care about someone more than they care about themselves.

It’s just human nature to watch your own ass.

It’s not wrong. It’s not selfish. And it’s definetely not something to be ashamed of. Stop denying that you don’t care about YOU more than anyone else. It’s okay!

Because here’s something I hope you understand:

If you don’t put yourself first, if you don’t look out for YOU before you support anyone else, you won’t truly be able to support them fully anyway. 

Just like when you’re on an airplane and they remind you that if the oxygen mask drops, you put your own on before you assist others.


Only then can you truly serve and lead from a good place. A place where you can actually make a difference.

Let’s take a look at the last time you took care of you.

When was it? Can you even remember?

When was the last time you slept in?
When was the last time you bought yourself something you really wanted?
When was the last time you took a bit longer in the shower?
When was the last time you told yourself how awesome you were?
When was the last time you had a full journaling day, focusing on your mindset?
When was the last time you took yourself out to dinner? Or lunch?
When was the last time you invested in something that will improve your life/health/business?
When was the last time you got a massage?
When was the last time you hired help around the house? 
When was the last time you took time out for you?


Can you tell me?

Or do you forget?

The more you make time for you, the more you can help others. You can’t serve from an empty cup. How full is YOUR cup? Aim for it to be overflowing, always.

Your mindset around this must be top-notch. You HAVE to practice this every single day forever. Because if you won’t take care of you, who will?

Sometimes things will go to crap. 
Sometimes you’ll have so much stuff go wrong at once.
Sometimes everything will feel SO hard.
Sometimes everyone will think you’re crazy.
Sometimes you won’t want to do the work.
Sometimes you’ll feel like quitting. 
Sometimes you’ll assume the universe is conspiring to totally fuck you over.

But let me just say –

Right now –

You heard it here, and you can thank me later:

The universe is always consipiring FOR you. Even if everything seems to be going wrong. I promise you this –

Everything that’s happening in your life, even if it appears to be “bad” stuff, it’s happening FOR you. It’s happening for the greater good of everyone.

Here’s another great affirmation for you (I use this one daily, as well) –

“The universe is conspiring to deliver everything I want to me, or better. It’s already happening!”

And this –

“The universe is conspiring to send me more and more money every day. It’s already happening!”

Write it down. Over and over until you FEEL it. Until you BELIEVE it. Until you finally start to notice that it’s true!

There is no one conspiring to do you harm. 
There is no one conspiring to make your life suck.
There is no one conspiring to ensure you lose it all.

There is one force –

The Universe
The Divine 

Whatever you want to call that force..

That force is conspiring to deliver to you EVERYTHING that you want and more. But only if you decide that you want it, that you believe it, that you ask for it, and that you accept it when it arrives.

I am the LEAST “woo woo” or religious person ever, and even I know and trust this shit (even though I blocked it for so long because I just didn’t believe it, it was too “weird” for me).

And now I benefit from it because I’ve accepted that this IS, without a doubt, the truth.

Everything is happening FOR me, not TO me.

So even if something that appears to be “bad” happens, I still assume that it’s happening for my benefit. Like that time I was flying to Malibu with my mom for Mother’s Day.. we missed our flight by 2 minutes.

I didn’t even get upset. My mom was all pissed and annoyed and I was just “whatever, now we’ll get there at a better time”. No sweat.

We lost our business class seats, and had to sit in economy, but we got new tickets for a flight just 2 hours later, and somehow snagged the exit row seats (next to each other, too, on a packed flight!) that had a TON of leg room, plus we still got our meals.

And yes, we got there at a better time and could check into our beach house straight away when we got into Malibu, instead of having to wait 3 hours.

I knew that we missed the flight for a reason.

Was it annoying? YES.
Was I mad at myself for not paying attention to the time? OF COURSE.
Did I wish I was in the plane, enjoying VIP service and seating? DUH.

But did I let it ruin my day?


I knew that everything would work out the way it was supposed to or better. And it did.

Life is pretty sweet. And it’s sweet because I CHOSE this life. I work hard to maintain this life. And I know, trust and believe that this life was meant for me, and that no matter what happens, it happens FOR me, not TO me.

It’s the same for you. Pinky promise.