Everyday is another opportunity to go after what you want (and get it)!

Everyday is another opportunity to go after what you want (and get it)!

Repeat after me: “I choose to step up and go all the way in on my dreams. I choose to forgive myself for past mistakes and learn the lessons I was meant to learn through making them. I choose to allow myself to have it all, starting today.”

Now look – 

I know you’ve had it rough the last little while. I know you’ve been feeling off, feeling like something’s just not right.. but not being able to put your finger on exactly what it is that’s bothering you. Or on why you haven’t felt like writing, or creating, or selling.. or doing much of anything, really. 

It’s easy to get sucked into the “I don’t know” of how you feel and it’s easy to stay there, too, if you choose to. 

But let’s just clear one thing up, okay? The problem is you. #sorrynotsorry

It’s not the weather
It’s not your partner
It’s not because you feel sick  
It’s not because you’re tired
It’s not because it’s hard
It’s not because you can’t do it
It’s not because you don’t have time
It’s not because someone’s out to get you, either

It’s because you simply haven’t reached the breaking point yet. The point where you fully feel that, “HELL YES, this is exactly what I’m meant to do!”, you feel that truth in every cell of your body, and you know that anything that takes you away from doing so, is sucking the life out of you. (And the worst part is that you’ve been allowing it to happen!)

You must break free. 

Free from the noise of what everyone else is doing! 

Free from the self-sabbotage you’ve been allowing yourself to participate in!

Free from the lack of clarity around what it is you actually desire!

Don’t you get it? You’re holding YOURSELF back by not taking this seriously. I know you THINK you’re taking it seriously, but you can’t be. Otherwise, you’d be further along than you are right now, and you’d be HAPPY as hell because of it! 

The bad news is that it’s all your fault. The good news is that you can change it, right here and right now, in this very moment. You can decide that you’re done settling, you’re done doing things that don’t light you up, and you’re 100% done feeling guilty about what you want. 

You can choose another reality. Every day is another chance to go after what you want (and get it)! If you could just get your shit together, I think you’d agree that life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. 

It’s time to finally enjoy your life, exactly how it is right now, while continually going after more of what you want