

One thing that irritates me to no end is excuses. It doesn’t matter who’s giving them. When I hear an excuse, it makes me cringe and it requires a fuck-ton of strength to not lay into the person spitting it out.

Just this morning I’ve overheard half a dozen excuses from various people – 

Overheard two mom’s at school: “I’d love to take her [to gymnastics], but we’re already in another class, there’s no time left.”

My kids on getting out the door for school on time: “I can’t! I’m thirsty! I need a drink first. (And then a snack. And then another drink…)”

Someone considering joining The Relentless Entrepreneur program: “I’m creating my own program, I don’t have time to do this.”

A friend who wants to hire their dream mentor: “It’s too much money. I can’t make it happen.”

While eavesdropping on the two guys beside me at the coffee shop: “I tried that already, she doesn’t like it. I give up.” (my ears perked up at this one, not gonna lie)

Someone I follow on Instagram sharing a post that says: “I’m ready for more money.. as long as I don’t have to bust my ass getting it.” (UNFOLLOWED)

Can I tell you the biggest thing standing in the way of you and your success? It’s the bullshit excuses you tell yourself about why you can’t be, do or have something you desire. Been there, done that, and missed out on a bunch of opportunities because I let my excuses win. 

But what if –

You gave your excuses the middle finger and instead did the thing you know you’re meant to do, regardless of how impossible or hard or out of reach it may seem? 

What if, no matter what stood in your way, you kept moving forward anyway? What if you just kept on swinging?

Imagine this for a second: 

You wake up without an alarm clock blaring in your ear, sit up and stretch, place your feet on the ground and ask yourself “what do I want to do today?”, and then… you went and did THAT. 

You drink your coffee outside, listening to the birds chirp, while you scribble away in your journal, occassionally sneaking a peek at the gorgeous view in front of you. 

Deciding to only do what feels good, you choose to go for a walk. Then come back and work on your business (again from outside, because the weather is FAB). You eat a delicious lunch out with a friend at your favorite restaraunt, laughing and having a great time for hours. 

You’re living the life you’ve always wanted. The one you’ve seen in your mind for years. It seemed so far away back then, but right now.. you’re living it, and it feels SO good. 

THIS is what can be your reality if you stop letting excuses get in the way of doing what it takes to achieve this life. Of learning, and growing, and succeeding. 

What if you let it be easy?

What if you chose to trust yourself?

What would your life look like then?

I’m willing to bet it would look 10x better than it does right now. It would also FEEL 10x better. 

Want the money? Want the freedom? Want the joy? Want the experiences? Want it ALL, and then some?

Drop the excuses. 

Choose YOU. 

And take the action necessary to bring your dreams to life. 

You’ve got this. Believe in yourself. Do the work.