It may mean hiring someone to help you. 

It may mean leaving someone or something behind while you elevate to that next level. 

It may mean studying something new.

It may mean spending more time journaling.

Or it  may mean spending more time HUSTLING.


The reason you don’t currently have what you want, aren’t at the level that you want, is because you haven’t fully decided and then acted from that place. 

Can we talk about “deciding” for a minute?

A lot of people give shit about this… “Okay, I decided to be a millionaire, where’s my money?” and say that they would prefer to just have the PLAN to make the million dollars. They say the “deciding” strategy is pointless and doesn’t work.

That’s because they are treating it as the ONLY thing to do, when the fact is, there are MANY things to do. 

Deciding is one piece to the puzzle.

There’s also consistency in your visibility. 

There’s also having a strategy to bring what you want to life (deciding is great and all, but it ain’t gonna do shit if you don’t DO THE WORK, too), and taking action on that.

There is a formula that I use for attracting things into my life: 

D = Decide. Decide on exactly what it is that you want.

A = Ask. Ask for what you want. Make it clear. Write it in your journal, say it in your head, whatever works for you.

D = Declare. Declare (to yourself, to others - it doesn’t matter) that what you want is a DONE DEAL. Do not be at all willing to accept anything less. 

A = Act. Do the motherfucking work to make it happen - every day, over and over - until what you want is yours.

This process could take a few days or a few years (or anything in between). It depends on what it is you want, your certainty of it, your level of commitment to each piece of the formula, and a million other factors. 

But the process is the same for everyone. And it works every single time - if you apply it, all of it, that is. 

WhenI decided that I was going to make money every day (an affirmation I wrote for over a year before it came true), I meant it. I wrote it down in my journal. I said it out loud. I celebrated every day that I did make money. I was selling daily - often multiple times per day. I was doing my money work. I was reading and learning about sales. I was hiring sales and business and money and mindset coaches to help me. 


And then the next thing I knew, I was making money every single day. Sometimes it was under $100. Othertimes it was thousands. I’ll never forget the day I received over $20,000 in cash - in just ONE DAY - I remember thinking to myself “of course that just happened”. 

I wasn’t even surprised.

I’d been working on making this my reality for a year. Daily income. Daily sales. And then, of course, that grew to thousands of dollars a day in cash, and will eventually go to tens of thousands of dollars in cash received.

The same happened when I bought my dream car and paid in cash.

The same happened when we moved into our perfect-for-us home.

The same happened when I sold out my mentorship program.

The same happened when I travelled business class (every time). 

I made a deicison. I did the work. I EXPECTED success.

And it became my reality. 

Some things took longer than others, but because of my certainty that they WOULD happen, they eventually did. 

Was it easy?


Was it worth it? 

HELL YES it was worth it - and eventually, it DID become easy - but it took time to get there. To that place of KNOWING that everything was going to work out perfectly for me. To trusting in myself to create the reality I wanted to be a part of.

If there’s something you’ve been wanting for awhile now and it just doesn’t seem to be happening for you, take a look at how you’re showing up. Are you trusting the process? Are you strongly declaring and believing that it’s meant for you? Are you doing the work, the strategic tasks that will help to get you there?

Really want what you say you want?

Really, truly, ready to go to that next level?

Really believe it’s time for you, now, to live your best life and realize your dreams?


Okay then - prove it. 

Let’s see what you’ve got.