Have you been involving yourself in this form of self-sabotage?

Have you been involving yourself in this form of self-sabotage?

I woke up at 4am this morning because I knew I needed some extra journaling time, as I have a lot of deep shit going on that I’m working through, and a bunch of things I’m calling into my life this month.

And as I started writing, my usual stuff came out – 

Expressing thanks for everyone and everything in my life.
Calling in my dream life as if it’s already DONE.
Money mindset work (affirmations).
Brain dump of everything that was sitting in my head overnight.

And as I did my brain dump, a question came up for me. One which I haven’t asked myself for a few months now, but one that always gets my creative juices flowing – 

“What would I be doing if I knew that I was going to hit all of my goals this month?”

In other words: If you no longer had to worry about whether or not something was going to happen, and you had a GUARANTEE that it was already a done deal, what would you do? How would you then spend your time?

And when I asked myself these questions, I was able to feel a sense of relief.

A sense of accomplishment.

A sense of pride.

It got me into such a high-vibe state of KNOWING that what I want is a done deal that it I started to get goosebumps. I should start asking this question more often. 🙂

Anyway – 

Here’s what came out when I asked myself this question in my morning journaling today: 

I would be planning more travel. 
I would be breathing a bit easier.
I would be congratulating and celebrating myself.
I would be loving on myself and my family more.
I would be creating more EXCLUSIVE content for my 1:1 clients (meaning: WAY over-deliver).
I would take a FULL day off of social media and my phone (I MIGHT be able to survive!).
I would give my brain a short rest!
I would make my next big investment in myself.
I would put money aside for something special (team retreat?).
I would make an investment that will increase my wealth (stocks? real estate?).

As I wrote and then read back through these statements, I realized that I haven’t been doing any of them for months (if not longer)!

So of course none of them were happening; because I wasn’t focused on them and didn’t give them priority or importance. 

Perhaps you’re doing the same?

What have you been saying you WANT to do/be/have but then you’re not actually getting/experiencing it? Do you think it could possibly be because you have been telling yourself you have to do something ELSE first, to PROVE to yourself that you’re then WORTHY enough to have/experience these things?

I could be planning more travel right now, NOT waiting until after I hit my goals.

I could be celebrating myself.

I could be creating more exclusive content.

I could be making bigger investments.

I could be loving on myself and my family more.

I don’t HAVE to wait until I have first accomplished X, Y and Z. I can have it all NOW, and so can you!

There is no rule book that says that until you accomplish a certain thing that you can then be/do/have what you truly want. You can have what you want now. This month. This week. Today!

So long as you start calling that in and truly believing that it’s a done freaking deal NOW.

It’s funny that this came up for me today, and I’m also kind of pissed at myself about it, because this is the stuff I teach and preach all the damn time! I guess I’ve just been so focused on sharing that message with YOU, that I forgot to shut up and listen to myself for a change! 

Memo received Universe. Thank you! 

Where have YOU been holding back in your life and business?

Where have you been telling yourself that you need to WAIT? 

Where have you been making excuses as to why you can’t have something?

Locate the areas of your life and business that you’ve been involving yourself in this form of self-sabbotage and then start doing EXACTLY what you keep saying you want to be doing. No more waiting!

This actually reminds me of a conversation I had with someone last week – 

We were talking about how excited she was to be a part of my group program she’d signed up to, but what she really actually wanted was to work with me 1:1 in my 6-month program, 6-Figure Success Seekers. 

I was confused about why she would settle for a group program if what she truly wanted and said she really NEEDED was the 1:1 support.

She then told me that as soon as she started making money from the group program, she would sign up for the 1:1. BUT WHY? WHY ARE YOU WAITING TO HAVE WHAT YOU REALLY WANT NOW? (Is what I screamed in my head. Maybe I should have asked her out loud, I don’t know.)

Because first: This 1:1 program will likely be closed for the rest of the year so you won’t get this opportunity again. And when I DO re-launch it, the price will be much higher. It’s already marked at 50% off, which is a crazy discount in and of itself. 

And second: If you know you truly NEED and WANT 1:1, then you have no business signing up for a group program. That program will not give you what you desire, because what you truly desire is the 1:1.

And finally, third: You are teaching yourself how to SETTLE. You are telling yourself that it’s okay to say yes to what you don’t really want instead of saying yes to what you know you DO want.

You’re stuck in a pattern that will continue until you decide to put a stop to it and just start doing what the hell you WANT to do! 

Stop doing what you believe you SHOULD do, especially when it involves spending money, and instead do what you know you NEED to do. 
Stop believing that you need to first accomplish step #1 before you can move on to step #2. You CAN leap and you can skip steps altogether, you know.
Stop belittling yourself. 
Stop ACCEPTING what you have if what you WANT is something different. 

What I’m trying to get across is this – 

You don’t need to wait to be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. You can experience and have it all NOW. Just as soon as you get the hell over the bullshit lies you’ve been telling yourself about why you can’t. 

Go figure that shit out and start making better decisions that will actually serve you.