I was lying to you on a daily basis

I was lying to you on a daily basis

Lessons are everywhere. They’re a part of life. 

And they’ve definitely been a big part of my life and my entrepreneurial journey.

Less than 2 years ago (and honestly, probably before that, too), I did something that I’m not proud of (but I don’t regret, as it taught me a valuable lesson) – 


Every day I would show up and put on my mask. I would be who I thought you wanted me to be. I would say the words I thought you wanted me to say. 

I truly just wanted you to like me. I wanted to stand out in a group of thousands. Tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands, really. 

I wasn’t honest with you. It was all a facade. I created the “perfect Cassie” in my head and I delivered her to you every day, cringing every time because it just didn’t feel RIGHT. It didn’t feel like ME – 

And that’s because it wasn’t.

It wasn’t ME, the real me, that I was sharing with the world.

It took someone on the outside, someone who knew me offline, to notice and basically shake the shit out of me, saying “why are you one person online and a different person offline?“.

Good fucking question.

And so I stopped being two people from that day forward. I’ve never once looked back. I’ve never once regret it. 

I gave up trying to be perfect (fuck perfect, anyway).
I gave up trying to please everyone (as if that’s even possible).
I gave up filtering myself and sounding like a motherfucking robot (nope, not happening anymore).

I gave up who I thought I was supposed to be, and decided to just be ME instead. And wouldn’t you know it – 

YOU LIKE ME. YOU REALLY LIKE ME! Just as I am, flaws and all. 

You like my voice
You like my message
You like the way I get all rant-y
You like the way I stand up for what I believe in
You like my passion

You like ME. 

And that’s really what I want to drive home for you today.

Your community, your TRULY ideal people will LOVE you for you. And if you’re not actually being YOU, they will be able to tell and they will run the other way.

The biggest thing I’ve learned since being in business for myself for 12+ years is that the best way to grow a following, make an impact and receive all the money you could ever want, is to simply just be YOU. No faking anything. No pretending.

I’ve realized that there will ALWAYS be people who don’t agree with you. There will always be people who don’t like you for no good reason at all. And this happens moreso when you’re being 100% yourself and you don’t back down from your beliefs or your values. 

And THIS IS A GOOD THING because it just filters out those that aren’t 100% in line with your message and with YOU. 

The more you are yourself, 100% the REAL you, and not the fake, perfect you that you’ve made up in your head, the better your life will be, in every single area. And that’s a promise.

I’m not kidding when I say that as soon as I dropped the act and just started putting the real Cassie out there my business EXPLODED. My community doubled, then tripled, then quadrupled from there, and in just MONTHS. And my income did the same, and continues to do the same the more I put myself out there and say whatever I want and be whoever I AM.

Not only is it better for you, financially, to just be YOU, but it’s better emotionally, and it’s way more FUN.

Imagine if you could get paid just to be you and share your message and your beliefs with the world. You CAN. That’s the life I live today and the one I teach my clients how to live and monetize every day.

Business and pleasure just took on a whole new meaning and I freaking love it.