What’s possible when you really show up and OWN IT…

What’s possible when you really show up and OWN IT…

Did you watch The Oscars last night?

I didn’t. I was too busy working on my biz and spending time with family. Plus, too much glitz and glam makes my head hurt.

BUT. I wanted to bring up The Oscars today to show you what’s possible when you really show up and OWN IT.

Winning an Oscar translates to making big money, so of course, as an actor or actress, you WANT to win one. The men and woman who won Oscars last night didn’t win them because of luck. They won them because they worked their asses off. They showed up, did the work and they fucking owned it.

And now they get to add “Academy Award Winner” next to their name and in turn, make even more money.

Now, as an online business owner, you’re likely not going to have “Academy Award Winner” next to your name, but you CAN earn big money, just like those who have won Oscars will be.

The only thing you have to do, is show up and do the work, even when things get hard.

I work with so many amazing women and I see many of them give up when things start to get a bit hard. When there is a bump in the road. An obstacle.

When that happens, they freeze up and they often quit. And there’s nothing sadder than a crazy talented woman giving up on her dreams just because shit got hard temporarily.

Remember: there will always be challenges that you have to face in your business and in your life. Those that succeed are the ones that push through those challenges and end up on the other side, fists full of cash and an ear to ear smile on their face.

That can be you.

Show up. Own it. Make bank.

It really is that simple.