Sit down, shut up and do the work that works!

Sit down, shut up and do the work that works!

You can’t just say you want something and expect to get it if you’re not willing to do what’s necessary for it to become yours. 

Believing you can have it is not enough
Asking for it constantly is not enough
Hoping for it is not enough 
Praying for it is not enough
Journaling about it is not enough

You need one thing – 

One thing that will make the difference between having it and not –

That one thing is: HUSTLE. ACTION. 

It amazes me how many times I’ll talk to my awesome clients about what they want and then within weeks, or even days, they HAVE it. But then I see other people online struggling to sell a $97 workshop. What gives?

Here’s what: ACTION. 

Or, lack of it, really.

If you’re not putting in action, you’re not getting results. And if you ARE getting results, and you’re just not getting the results you WANT, then you need to UP the amount of action you’re taking every day. 

Put in the hours. 
The minutes. 
The seconds.


Nothing works unless YOU do the work.

I was interviewed for a podcast the other day and they asked me what I thought it was that allowed me to create over $750,000 in cash in under 2 years. What was that one thing I did differently than most others? 

I answered: “I simply took more action.”

I just did more work.

I worked my freakin’ ASS off. 

Every day –

I spent hours creating content
I spent hours working on my mindset 
I spent hours selling my offers
I spent hours learning & perfecting my skills
I spent hours connecting with and growing my community


Do you want to know my secret to making hundreds of thousands of dollars online? 

Spend time doing the work that works. 

There are certain habits you need to cultivate in your daily life. Habits that will either help you or hurt you, when it comes to achieving your goals. When it comes to growing your tribe, having a serious impact and making incredible money online.

It’s not hard.

Stop making it hard!

Sit your ass down, shut up, and DO THE DAMN WORK.

If you want it bad enough – 

And I know you do – 

You need to live for the work. And if you’re anything like me (which I believe you are, or you wouldn’t be reading this), you already do. Just maybe not to the level you need to be. 🙂 

You already KNOW what your purpose in life is
You already hustle your ass off every day
You already believe that you can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want
You already put in the work on a daily basis
You already create, show up, sell, deliver and give your life for your dreams
You already make money from your passion

But you’re ready to turn it up a notch, right?

You’re ready to make way more money and help way more people, yes?

Well, then your next step is simple: Change the way you live your life. 

Change the way you spend your morning
Change the way you show up online
Change the way you pump out content
Change the way you hustle every day
Change the way you go through your day

You have so much to give – 

And so many people are out there, WAITING for you to show up and deliver  – 

But you’re holding yourself back. You’re COMFORTABLE where you are, and you’re ready to push through that discomfort and take even BIGGER actions.

You’re ready for more success
You’re ready for more clients
You’re ready for more impact
You’re ready for more community
You’re ready for more money
You’re ready for more freedom

You’re READY.

Are you?

Is it time to take things to the next level?

DO THE WORK THAT WORKS. Tweak your day, uplevel your actions, change your life.

It’s that simple.

And it’s time for you. NOW. 

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!