How you start your day is how you end your day!

How you start your day is how you end your day!

Today is going to be an amazing day. 

So much good is about to go down. 

Expect it and receive it! 

Honestly – 

I sometimes can’t believe how much I love my life – 

Talking about Pinterest and Snapchat, list building and marketing
Hanging out with people I don’t have to apologize to for being on my laptop and phone all the time
Sipping on champagne that I never bothered to check the price of
Taking pictures of elk in the front yard and staring at the mountains from my living room window
Eating sugary fried dough, plus incredible amounts of healthy vegan food
Writing and speaking and really sharing my TRUTH

Sometimes I have to stop myself when I’m feeling scared and frustrated about shit that’s happening – 

And remind myself that I should be GRATEFUL I even get to FEEL those emotions!

I’m LUCKY to be frustrated about the fact I haven’t yet hit $100K/month (because I HAVE hit $75K)
I’m LUCKY to be scared, thinking about the possibility that no one ever buys from me again (because it inspires me to hone my sales skills even more)
I’m LUCKY to be frustrated about the fact that I have 11 calls booked on one day (because I have amazing clients, big interviews & a thriving biz)

It’s all about perspective. 

Shift your perspective, shift your mood.

You’re having those fears
Those uncertainties
Those frustrations

Because you need to address them, clear them, and move past them.

If you continue to go on, allowing them to win, giving up complete control of your thoughts and feelings, then you will lose.

And that’s how things will ALWAYS be, until you decide how to handle these situations in a way that puts you in a better space.

If things aren’t working 
If things aren’t going the way you want – 

Change shit up!
Try something new! 
Take more time to think and dream and receive!

If you’re not happy with the way things are going, then do something else. 

You are not a tree. You can move. 
You can try new things. 
You can experiment. 
You can back away from a stressful situation, reflect, strategize – 

And then come back swinging 10x harder. 

I’ve had what feels like a million and one experiences in my life where I’ve been hit so hard I didn’t think I’d ever be able to get back up again.

I suffered from severe depression.
I’ve had multiple failed businesses.
I’ve thoughts many thousands of dollars.
I’ve fucked up more times than I can count.

But I’ve pushed through.
I’ve perservered. 
And I fucking MADE IT.

I’m nowhere even close to where I want to be, but I know I’m headed there. In my mind, it’s already DONE. 

I spend my mornings leaning into this version of mysef that I desire to be.
Into the lifestyle I want to create for myself and my family.

Each day, the first thing I do is get settled into my morning practice. A practice that, once I FULLY implemented and commit to, changed my fucking life. 

And that’s no exaggeration.

Because know this – 


If you start your day feeling behind, you’ll feel behind all day. If you start your day feeling overwhelmed, you’ll end the day feeling overwhelmed. If you start your day wasting time on tasks that won’t make you money, you’ll end your day the same way, and you’ll never make money!

You must start your day with your eyes locked on the end result you want to create and take action from that space.

Those early hours in the morning?

No one can take them away from you. You’re not going to have someone asking for you at 4 or 5 in the morning. But in the afternoon, evening and late morning, you’ll have a bunch of people vying for your attention. Which means you’ll have zero time for YOU.

There is no better time to get your hustle on than early in the AM!

This is when you’ll have your most powerful ideas.
This is when you’ll have the time and the privacy to get shit done.
This is when you’ll best be able to do what you need to do for YOU.

You can’t serve others well if you don’t first serve yourself. You must have a morning practice that truly serves you and starts your day off with a BANG!

Success is simple – 

Make it a priority.
Stay focused on the end goal.
Kick off each day with FIRE under your ass.
Go within and explore that inner dialogue.
Keep moving forward no matter what’s on the path in front of you.

Push through the bullshit.
Keep moving. 
Keep sharing.
Keep your eyes locked on the goal.

Give the finger to your naysayers.
To your negative thoughts. 
To your fears and insecurities.

Keep moving, keep sharing, keep showing the fuck up.

Get up every day, set the intention that today is THE day.
The day you get that dream client.
The day you make big moves toward your goal.
The day you make the connection.
The day you do whatever you want and your dreams manifest right in front of you.



Every damn day!

Mornings are for planning to win.
Mornings are for laying the foundation.
Mornings are for setting the intention.
Mornings are for clearing the crap and releasing the NEW – 

The new that will set you free. 

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!