There is a logical explaination for why things are stagnant in your business right now: 

You’ve given up. 

I know. You don’t want to admit it. You may not even realize that you have. But, it’s true

You’re tired, you’re frustrated, and you efeel like you’ve tried everyrhing to move forward without success. You’re bored. You’re irritated. And you’re acting like a whiny little brat about how it’s just not FAIR.

Well - too bad. Suck it up. Life’s not fair. Hasn’t anyone ever told you that?

This thing called life isn’t supposed to be simple and easy all of the time. The same goes for entrepreneurship. You’ve gotta go above and beyond what most people do if you want to have and enjoy what most people don’t. 

You’re smart. You’ve got the answers. You just haven’t allowed yourself to unlock and reveal them. They’ll all be revealed and you’ll feel so much better once you snap out of this lazy spell you’re under. I’m not saying you shouldn’t ever rest or relax, but when the money isn’t flowing the way you want it to, you’ve gotta be prepared to say FUCK REST, and get down to business. 

Work harder. 
Push harder. 
Do more. 
Go bigger. 

I hate to break it to ya (not really), but you’ve gotta do the big work if you want the big results – 

The messaging
The content 
The sales
The launches
The engaging
The community
The promoting
The visibility
The writing
The speaking
The learning
The implementing
The sharing

This is not an all day thing. I repeat: THIS IS NOT AN ALL DAY THING. 

You don’t have to spend all day in front of your laptop, cranking stuff out. In fact, all of the above should only take you a couple hours a day, at most. If it takes longer than that, you’re doing them incorrectly and need to learn how to stop wasting so much time.

I would say I average about 3-4 hours of “work” each day, and another 1-2 hours of client calls if I have any booked. That’s it. The rest of the time I’m going on hikes with the family, cooking vegan enchiladas, reading in bed, playing with my kids, getting a massage, or doing anything else I want to do. 

Granted there are days that I will spend more time than that on other tasks, but it’s extremely rare when that happens. 

I believe that most people are terrified of success because they believe that with more success, they are required to do more “work”. And so they push away and repel success above and beyond what they currently have attained. 

Isn’t that sad? 

You’re pushing away potential success because you’re afraid of what MIGHT happen when you receive it. Doesn’t that just sound crazy to you? Fearing something that hasn’t yet happened?

I was watching a video from Sadhguru yesterday (if you haven’t heard of him, check him out, he’s awesome!), and the main focus was on how stupid it is to fear things that haven’t happened. When you fear something that isn’t your current reality, you start the process of attraction of it. Meaning = You attract what you are fearing. The more you worry about it, the quicker it manifests into your reality. 

So if you’re scared that you’re not going to make enough money to pay your bills this month (for example), and you’re constantly feeding that fear with images in your mind of what will happen if you DON’T make the money, you will begin to manifest exactly what you fear - a lack of money. 

Instead of being afraid of what MIGHT happen, it’s important to instead focus on what you WANT to happen - visualize THAT and make it your reality instead.

Don’t worry about HOW something will happen. That’s not your job. Your only job is to decide, believe, and act. 

DECIDE what you want, specifically, ensuring it’s what you actually want (and not what someone else thinks you should have). 

BELIEVE that what you want is not only possible for, but that it’s already a done deal. 

Take the ALIGNED ACTIONS toward receiving what you want. In other words: Do the work. Every day, on repeat. 

And by the way, in case you’re wondering – 

ALIGNED ACTION = An action you feel INSPIRED to take. 

Do you know when you randomly get ideas about new businesses, or ways you can sell, or content you can write, or programs you can create? Where you think to yourself “OMG! YES!” and are excited about the thought of it? That right there is aligned action. Those are the ideas you need to act on. 

The other important thing to understand about aligned action is that those ideas must be acted on immediately, otherwise they “dry up”, and lose their effectiveness (because your energy is no longer in the “OMG! YES!” zone.

You get inspired thoughts and ideas every day. The problem is that you often don’t notice them because you’re too busy doing a whole bunch of STUFF that you think will give you what you want (you’re trying to force things to happen instead of ALLOWING them to happen with ease). That, or, you recognize the thoughts and ideas, but choose to ignore them – 

Because you don’t think they’ll work
Because you don’t think you have the time
Because you don’t think you know how
Because you’re busy and you’ll “do it later” (yeah right! how often does THAT actually happen?)

And then - POOF! - Idea gone!

And you’re back to feeling afraid, tired, and frustrated about your lack of what you want. 

Get your shit together! Stop doing STUFF and start taking ACTION on the things that actually freakin’ matter and make a difference. It doesn’t have to feel like such a struggle, you know. In can, in fact, feel good & exciting & fun & yes, even EASY at times! But that’s a choice. You have to consciously choose for things to be & feel this way. 

Until then, things will just continue on the way the are now… is that what you want? 

I didn’t think so. 

Okay then – 

What are you now choosing instead?