Your Morning Routine Is What Will Shape Your Entire Life

Your Morning Routine Is What Will Shape Your Entire Life

I’ve always been a big believer that morning routines have the ability to radically change your life for the better.

Each day, I’m up around 5am, if not earlier, and it’s my most favorite part of the day for a myriad of reasons.

Not only is the world still quiet at 5am, meaning I have no distractions from other people trying to get my attention, but it’s also my most productive time, and when I have my best ideas.

Quiet, alone time, early in the morning, is where ALL of my best ideas have come from (okay, so ocassionally they come while in the shower… but it’s quiet and I’m alone in there, so ya know..).

I get more done in the first 3 hours of the day, before anyone is awake, than many people get done the entire day or even the entire WEEK.

You don’t need to wake up at 5am. This is a time that works best for me at this season of my life. Figure out what time works best for you - when you can have a few hours alone, just for YOU, with zero distractions.

The power of a morning routine is absolutely incredible.

And most of us DO have one, but can I ask you something?

Is your morning routine serving you?

Is it enabling you to be productive on the things that are most important?

Is it making you FEEL good?

Is it allowing you to spend the time on things you enjoy and that bring you joy?

Because if not, you’ve gotta shake things up.

Your morning routine should be something that SERVES you. That means you need to structure it in a way that encourages it to do so.

How do you know if your morning routine is serving you?

Because once you’re finished, you’ll feel amazing! You’ll feel acomplished. You’ll feel proud of yourself. You’ll feel complete.

Trust in the way you feel.

If, by the afternoon, you find yourself feeling exhausted, or overwhelmed, or annoyed, or angry, or frustrated –

It’s likely that your morning routine is not one that is serving you in the way you most need it to.

Each morning, my routine looks like this:

* Journaling (always, always, always). I write out what I’m grateful for, dream life creation exercises, question prompts, brainstorming, problem-solving, affirmations, and anything else I need.

* Mind Time. Whether it’s listening to a meditation, doing my own silent meditation, visualization, or stating affirmations, I spend time every single morning priming my mind for success, abundance and all the good things.

* Reading/Learning. Usually I’ll read a chapter or two of a book that I’m into. Sometimes I’ll listen to some inspiring content on YouTube or from a podcast. But I feed my mind every morning - no exceptions.

* Creative Work. This is often doing my daily blog & email for the day (such as this one!). If it also feels good, I will create additonal content, as well. I keep creating until I feel “done”.

My mornings also include –

>> Hot drinks
>> Sometimes breakfast (usually I fast until lunch)
>> Time outside when the weather is nice
>> Yoga or stretching 
>> Showering

And occassionally some other stuff slips in there, but that’s the main stuff each morning. 

This morning routine has not only helped me to make more money, grow my business intentionally, improve my relationships (because I can be more present when I’m with people; as my important work is already done), but also?

It has helped me to FEEL good.

I look forward to my mornings.

I’m excited to wake up super early and get my stuff DONE.

Without a doubt, it’s the most impactful, beautiful thing I’ve intentionally implemented in my life.

Take a look at how you’re currently spending your mornings. Do they feel fun and expansive? Or do they feel overwhelming and frustrating?

How can you tweak them so that they include more activities that fuel you and feed your mind?

The time you spend on yourself in the morning is the most important time of your day. Don’t neglect it. Put in the effort to determine exactly how you will create this routine and implement it.

Give yourself the gift of a morning routine that radically changes your life for the better. You’re worth it.