
Goal Setting Strategies for a Hella Profitable 2016

Goal Setting Strategies for a Hella Profitable 2016

When it comes to goal setting, many people are excited at the thought of having a great year, making tons of money in their business and making a real difference in the world. BUT - come February (or sooner), they fizzle out. The excitement ends. The goals fade away...

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My Morning Plan (And Why I Attribute it to My Success)

My Morning Plan (And Why I Attribute it to My Success)

I’ve reached over $22K in my business since late February of this year. It didn’t take a lot of blood and sweat to get me there, but it certainly took me a lot of tears. It also took a lot of HUSTLE. I worked my ass off to earn that $22. One thing that was crucial to...

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How to Easily Plan Your Week for Success

How to Easily Plan Your Week for Success

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you wonder “where did the time go?” and “what did I actually DO this week?” or some other variation of those questions? I have. Sometimes, when we work from home, it’s easy to get distracted by...

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