Goal Setting Strategies for a Hella Profitable 2016

Goal Setting Strategies for a Hella Profitable 2016

When it comes to goal setting, many people are excited at the thought of having a great year, making tons of money in their business and making a real difference in the world.

BUT - come February (or sooner), they fizzle out. The excitement ends. The goals fade away and you’re spending the rest of the year floundering around, trying to make ends meet, until December, when you start the goal setting process all over again.

This happens year after year, but nothing ever changes. Your business still isn’t making you the money you want. You’re still working like crazy. And you can’t seem to turn things around.

Sound familiar?

This year, let’s make sure your goals actually happen. Here’s what you need to do:

Set S.M.A.R.T Goals

Put away the pad of paper that has a scribbled list of things you’d like to accomplish in the New Year. Goals are serious business and if you don’t treat them that way, you’ll never accomplish them at all.

Enter S.M.A.R.T. goals:

S – Specific (State exactly what you want to accomplish – who, what, where, why, how, when.)

M – Measurable (How will you be able to determine whether or not the goal has been met?)

A – Attainable (They should be reasonable, given your situation, but should also stretch you just a bit.)

R – Relevant (How is the goal aligned with the overall vision for your business?)

T – Time-Bound (For successful and timely completion, set deadlines and “by when” dates for reaching your goal.)

If you want to have success with your goals in 2016, make sure each goal you set is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound.

Plan for Planning

Take the time to PLAN your goals. Goal planning isn’t something you can do in 10 minutes or an hour. You need lots of time.

  • Time to think about your desires for 2016
  • Time to plan what your goals will be
  • Time to plan how to accomplish those goals
  • Time to put that plan into your calendar so it actually happens

For many people that set goals the “right way”, goal setting for the New Year often takes a full day (at least). So plan for this planning time. It’s sacred. It’s special. And it’s 100% necessary.

Keep Your Plan Visible

The worst thing you can do with goal setting is to create a list of the most amazing goals, spend a bunch of time coming up with a plan to achieve them, and then stuff your goals list (and your plan) into a folder, never to be seen again.

There’s no better way to forget what your goals are than to make them invisible.

Your goals, whatever they are, need to be in front of you at all times.

On your monitor, on your car dashboard, on your bathroom mirror, on your refrigerator, on the back of your phone - everywhere.

The more you read your goals, the more you are reminded of them, and the better chance you have of actually making them a reality. So whip out the Post-Its and stick your goals all over the place. 

Let’s make sure 2016 is your best year yet.

 P.S. Need an extra kick in the ass to achieve your goals next year? For a limited time only, I’m offering 30 minute, private 1:1 sessions for a discounted investment of just $200. Want one? Click this link to book a call. (After you sign up, you’ll receive an email to schedule the session.) Any questions? Hit reply and let’s chat.

