Want to make $10K in just 30 days (or less)?

Want to make $10K in just 30 days (or less)?

Everyday you have to make a choice about what you’re willing to do.

Are you willing to sacrifice sleep to make more money?
Are you willing to give up things you want while you hold off for what you REALLY want?
Are you willing to do the work, especially the hard work, every day without fail?
Are you willing to be you, 100% you, and no one BUT you, all of the time?

You get to decide how your life goes and it all comes down to this – 


If there’s one thing that frustrates me more than anything, it’s when someone tells me they want something, but then don’t put in 100% effort to actually get it. 

I can promise you this: What you want will not be handed to you, you have to work for it, just like the rest of us. And if it’s important enough – 

If you really, really REALLY want it – 

Then you have to decide that it’s DONE, and then go out there and get it by showing up daily and doing the work.

No excuses, no complaints, no giving up. Just DO. 

I remember my first month in coaching when NO ONE was buying. I thought I was doing everything wrong. I felt lost and confused, and to be quite honest with you, I felt like a big time FRAUD. I pretended things were easy for me, I pretended that everything was working out, when in fact, those things couldn’t have been further from the truth.

I reallt WANTED things to be easy, but they just weren’t. It was stressful and I needed to figure out how to change things for me so that I was making the money I wanted and impacting the lives I wanted.

I know now that the main reason I wasn’t that successful in the beginning is because I wasn’t putting in the work 100% of the time.

And here’s the thing – 

There is ALWAYS work to be done, so no, you can’t take a break. No, you can’t go on vacation. No, you can’t wait until tomorrow. You must act NOW, 100% of the time, all day, every day, until you succeed. It’s that simple.

And really, when you set your business up in a way where it’s just an extension of YOU and your life, then you don’t NEED to worry about it being hard, because it’s just LIFE, and life is as fun as you make it. Your work is just another part of your daily life – 

But you have to train yourself to get to that point.

Most people think of work and life as two separate things, but ask any successful person if that’s true, and they’ll flat out tell you that that is NOT the case at all. There is no work/life balance. You don’t need to balance anything. You just show up, live your life, and get paid for it. DONE.

Train your brain to get used to the fact that you don’t need to separate the two. That work and play can be the same thing.

And then show up every damn day of the week, put your head down, and get to fucking work, having fun while you do it. Success awaits you, but is NOT coming to get you. You need to claw your way there yourself, over and over again.

Are you up for it?