Are You Honoring Your Values?

Are You Honoring Your Values?

I was shopping at Whole Foods today and as I was trying to decide whether I needed one bunch of spinach or two (the weekly dilemma), a man walks up to me, and, extremely frustrated asks – “How can you afford to shop here?!” Um… what? He then went on to talk about how expensive everything is and that he can’t believe people would pay these prices. I don’t know if he was expecting me to join in and complain with him or something, but I didn’t. Instead I said - “my priority is quality food, and I’m willing to pay extra for that”. He just shook his head and walked away. I remember the first time I walked into Whole Foods (and similar stores). I wanted to shit my pants. I looked around at the people shopping - “these people are nuts”, I thought. The prices seemed outrageous to me. But of course they would - I was used to shopping at the low-quality, low-cost grocery stores and buying whatever was on sale. Everything was covered in pesticides. Everything tasted bland. I was eating to survive, not to nourish my body. I’d fallen into the trap of buying the cheapest thing you could get away with. Someone once told me that all blueberries taste the same. Um, nah, yo. I’ve had blueberries that taste like water (no joke, I was like.. “where is the flavour?!”. I’ve also had blueberries that taste like straight-up candy. So spending $6 for a small pack of wild, local blueberries when I could spend $1.99 for those jumbo blue things full of water...
These 3 Things Are Costing You Thousands Of Dollars Every Single Month

These 3 Things Are Costing You Thousands Of Dollars Every Single Month

Let me break down this money-makin’ shit with ya real quick, alright? When you show up with confidence, consistency, and commitment to sharing your work with the world, you will make money. And you will help people. And the world will be a much better place because of that. But! You will always make “okay” money. You’ll make “getting by” money. And if that’s your jam, cool. But if you’re in my community, I’m willing to bet that that you want MORE. And you can have more! Right now, though, you’re blocking it.. 1️⃣ Not investing in yourself.If you’re not willing to invest in yourself by getting the support you need in your busines, you will continue to lose multiple thousands of dollars each and every month. Mentorship has been proven to speed up your money results. Get yo’ self a mentor and make more $$$! 2️⃣ Not putting yourself out there. You’re showing up inconsistently, you’re not truly being THERE for your audience and sharing your work and your guidance with them. Whether you’re afraid of looking stupid, or of getting no engagement, or whatever BS excuse you’re giving, you simply don’t show up enough or in a way that’s going to connect you with your people. 3️⃣ Not engaging with like-minded people. If you want your money to rise up like WHOA, here’s a tip for you: surround yourself with people who will help to support you. I’m talking about MASTERMINDS here! Get yourself into a mastermind of like-minded people who will support you, hold you accountable, and in many cases, share your work with THEIR audience, getting your programs & services...
You Are Not A Fuck Up

You Are Not A Fuck Up

Sometimes I feel as though we tend to hide from our failures, keep them quiet, pretend they never happened.. Because we’re terrified of what people will think of us if they find out. But the truth is, we all have failures (and I hesitate to even call them “failures” because to me, failures = lessons). We all fuck up. We all expect one thing, and get the exact opposite. Like that program you launched, were super proud of and excited about, that only 1 person signed up for. Embarassing. Or that email you sent to your list of thousands, the one you truly felt was impactful, that no one even responded to. Embarassing. Or what about that client that hired you, that you truly believed in, who didn’t get the results she expected when she worked with you? Embarassing. But what if it wasn’t embarassing? What if it was all just a part of the bigger story of your impact on this world? What if, you “failing” or “messing up”, was exactly what was SUPPOSED TO happen, to get you to where you ultimately want to be? How would you show up then? How would you hold yourself? What thoughts would you think? What beliefs would you let go of? How would you treat YOURSELF? Instead of allowing these “failures” to hold you back and keep you stuck in the suck, start seeing them as messages from the universe and lessons you need to learn. I’ve had this happen in a big way with money. Repeatedly. I would make a lot of money, and then the next thing I...
Become A Sales Ninja And Make More Money Than 99% Of The Population

Become A Sales Ninja And Make More Money Than 99% Of The Population

If you don’t believe in actively selling every single day, on telling people about your product or service and why they need it – If you believe that you have more important things to do than selling – You will not make money. Period. Quit spending your time on activities that are not generating sales & income in your business, until you have so much money that you can then, at that point, afford to spend some of your time doing things in addition to sales (notice I said “in addition to” not “instead of”, because you should still be selling every day, even if you make incredible money). Fuck the perfect, pretty website. Fuck the downloading of dozens of new “freebies”. Fuck scrolling Facebook for hours a day, comparing yourself to everyone and their dog. Focus your time and energy on SELLING and I absolutely GUARANTEE that you will make more money in your business. Not only should you be ACTIVELY selling each day (meaning: asking for the sale), but you also must be LEARNING about sales each day and IMPLEMENTING what you learn. Read books.Hire mentors. Go to events. Join programs. Watch/read trainings. Learning about sales should be your full time job. Implementing, testing, tweaking, and improving your sales strategies should be your full time job. Actively selling should be your full time job. Learn. Implement.Sell. Repeat. ON THE DAILY. Don’t like this idea? Feel it’s “too much” or unnecessary? Believe that other things are more important in your business? Then you may as well pack up your so-called entrepreneyr bags and go work at Walmart, because you will NEVER be successful...
How To Make The Right Decision Every Single Time

How To Make The Right Decision Every Single Time

Do you ever get that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you need to make a decision and the decision you WANT to make feels scary.. But the thought of NOT making that decision feels worse? And so you weigh the pros and cons, you ask your partner for their opinion, and you essentially talk yourself out of doing what you want and playing the safe card instead, right? Really, when you think about it, how many times have you been SO sure that you’re going to do something but then don’t end up doing it? This is because you’ve talked yourself out of it. Based on false truths you told yourselfBased on what someone else told you that you should doBased on being “responsible” and “realistic” Whether or not it’s something that can help you, you find ways to talk yourself out of it because the thought of doing it really scares you. So even though it COULD change your life for the better, you say no. Why? Because you’re scared? Get a fucking grip! Let me tell you something that changed my life: The understanding that fear is a signal. A flashing light that’s trying to send a message. Fear is an indicator to take action. Just because you’re scared doesn’t mean you just lay down and quit, or run away and hide. That’s the worst thing you can do, because then you’re essentially giving in to fear and telling yourself that that’s okay. It’s NOT okay to let fear run your life and hold you back from being, doing and having everything you want....