3 steps to setting goals that you will ACTUALLY accomplish!

3 steps to setting goals that you will ACTUALLY accomplish!

I’ve noticed a trend. 

A trend where a bunch of people are super pumped up at the beginning of the year, eager to go after their goals, but then never REALLY pushing that hard to achieve them.

They’re all “RAH RAH RAH I’M SO AMAZING” for the first 2 weeks of January, and then they start to fizzle out, like “fuck it, this is way too hard, I’ll set some more realistic goals instead”. And so thet do. Or they give up altogether and affirm that NEXT YEAR they’ll do it. Next year they’ll REALLY give it their all.

But you and I know that’s a load of crap. 

Because if you REALLY wanted to do something, you’d do it now. You’d make it happen, regardless of how “unrealistic” it seems.

So while just 2 weeks ago there was a lot of RAH RAH RAH-ING, there is now a lot of silence. Did you notice? 

If you were one of those people that went quiet, let me tell you this:

Silence won’t make you more money
Silence won’t make your life easier
Silence won’t allow you to make a difference
Silence won’t make you happy

What will ACTUALLY happen is you will start to beat yourself up inside, give yourself shit about how you “suck” at this goal-setting stuff, maybe even try to make yourself feel better by throwing out all kinds of excuses as to why you gave up, why you slowed down, why you’re now questioning your abilities – 

And it will start to eat you alive. 

You will start to actually BELIEVE all of the negative bullshit going on in your head.

And you will, never, EVER succeed. 

So please – 

Don’t give in. Don’t give up. Don’t allow yourself to get to that point where failure is an option and you actually fucking CHOOSE it because you’re scared. Or tired. Or bored, even!

You just need to reassess. Take a look at your goals and ask yourself if those are REALLY the goals you want to achieve. Don’t question whether or not they’re too big - nothing is impossible! - just make sure you actually WANT to achieve them right now. And then formulate a new plan. 

You will rarely hit your goals the first time you try. You will have set-backs. You will be tested. You will be tempted to give up. Be resiliant! Stay on top of your game and keep moving. Don’t let anything stop you. 

And if you fail, or fall short, get your ass up and go again! Set some goals that have meaning and don’t ever stop fighting to achieve them. 


Step 1: Set the right goals
When coming up with a goal, you need to first determine if it’s the RIGHT goal for you. This can be done by asking yourself the following questions:

** Am I setting this goal because I believe I’m SUPPOSED to? Or because I WANT to?
** Am I setting this goal for me or for someone else?
** What will happen if I achieve this goal? Is that what I REALLY want?
** Am I willing to sacrifice time and/or money to achieve this goal?
** Why is achieving this goal so important to me?

Your goals need to have meaning. They need to be important and they need to be important to YOU. Ask yourself the above questions for every goal you set and you’ll be able to tell if it’s a goal worth shooting for or not.

Step 2: Go all in 
This is where the magic happens. And this is where most people fail, because they put forth half-assed efforts. 

Commit to going ALL THE WAY IN on your goals. What this means?

You show up every day of the week and do the work necessary to get the result you want.
You treat achieving your goal as a top priority in your life.
You invest time and/or money into achieving your goal quickly. 
You do NOT make excuses, ever. You simply do the work and make it happen.

Going all in on your goals ensures that you will not only accomplish them, but that you will accomplish them and actually get the results you really want! 

Step 3: Be held accountable
If you are truly serious about achieving your goal, you need some accountability. 

You CAN just hold YOURSELF accountable, if you have the discipline, but most people don’t, so I highly recommend getting someone else to hold you accountable. This could be a friend, a business partner, a coach or mentor, your spouse, or someone else. 

The most important thing? That they give a shit about whether or not you hit your goals! Because if they don’t care, they’re not going to push YOU to care, either. 

Whether you have someone other than yourself holding you accountable or not, you should also do the following to stay on track –

:: Write out your goal(s) every single day, ideally multiple times per day
:: Share your goals with others so you have that sense of accountability (regardless of whether or not they are committing to hold you accountable)
:: Develop daily habits that help you to achieve your goals (for example, if one of your goals is to make an extra $5K a month, one habit you can develop is to sell something every day online)
:: Every week (or more often), brainstorm ways that you can speed up the process of achieving your goals + implement at least one of them
:: Be grateful for where you are and give yourself massive credit for every step in the right direction

There are so many books and courses and programs on goal setting, it’s no wonder people believe it’s so challenging! When really, setting goals and actually ACCOMPLISHING them, is as simple as this – 

Set the goal
Get out of your own way
Do the work
Get the results

Easier said than done? Nope. It’s pretty fucking easy, actually. You’ve just been lazy or unwilling to accept the help you need to achieve your goals. 🙂

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!