3 tasks you’re wasting time on right now (and what to do instead)

3 tasks you’re wasting time on right now (and what to do instead)

I’m willing to bet that right now you’re doing things in your business you don’t need to be doing.

I’m also willing to bet that you’re currently not making the money you want to be making.

And you know what? Both things go hand in hand.

The tasks you’re doing each day will either increase your income, decrease your income, or keep you stuck right where you are.

If you want to start making more money in your business, you need to avoid wasting time on tasks that are just NOT important. Here are 3 of those tasks:

#1 - Social Media

I’m going to say this nice and loud for you to really understand: YOU ARE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME ON SOCIAL MEDIA.

Do you need social media? Yes, I believe you do. However, you absolutely do not need to be and should not be on there for hours every day.

Instead, aim for 1-2 hours (depending on how many platforms you’re actively participating in) on social media per day. That’s it. You don’t need to spend any more time than that.

#2 - Learning

Yes, you read that right. You’re wasting way too much time buying courses, reading articles, opting in to webinars and trainings, and having multiple sessions with coaches.

Learning is important, and it SHOULD be a part of your every day, but not to the extent you’re probably doing it right now.

I recommend having at least one day a week that is solely for implementing everything you learned over the past 7 days. Call it your Implementing Day. Because implementing is much more beneficial than just simply learning. You have to apply the things you learn if they’re going to help you in any way.

#3 - The Wrong Priorities

When you spend the day working on tasks that are really not that important, that’s a waste of a day. You might as well have just stayed in bed.

Are you burying yourself in unimportant tasks or ones you should really be delegating instead of working on yourself? At the end of the day, do you still have your list of ACTUAL important tasks still waiting to be crossed out? If so, you have a problem with prioritization.

Take a look at your to-do list for the day and make sure you have 1-3 MUST-DO tasks listed. More importantly, make sure those are the tasks you tackle first, before moving on to anything else.

To ensure you’re always completing the IMPORTANT stuff in your business, you must be focused and extremely diligent. You can’t get distracted. You MUST have extreme focus in getting the right tasks done at the right time, so you are able to accomplish your big goals, make more money and have more freedom.

And it all starts with avoiding tasks that are total time-wasters and focusing on the tasks that will really make a difference.



P.S. Are you struggling with getting (and staying) focused? If so, I invite you to take a peek at my method for getting focused, being consistent and making BANK, every single month.