8 simple income-generating tasks you’ve likely forgotten about

8 simple income-generating tasks you’ve likely forgotten about

I was tempted to title this email “How NOT to make money” because I see SO many people wasting time on stupid shit that doesn’t matter, and actually DOESN’T make them money – 

In fact, I’ve been guilty of this myself in the past and know how detrimental it is!

It’s a waste of time to be doing tasks that won’t in some way make you happy or make you money. 

That’s the truth. It’s a WASTE. OF. TIME. 

It’s not obnoxious of you to want more money.
It’s not WRONG of you to want (and expect) more. 
it’s not greedy or selfish or disgusting of you to treat money-making as a necessity!

In fact, what’s ACTUALLY obnoxious, wrong and selfish is NOT giving yourself what you want and need

Which is – 

In case you haven’t guessed it by now – 


More money allows you to help and serve more people. It allows you to make a serious impact in the world and the lives of those around you. Making more money is your duty, your obligation, and your RIGHT! 

You don’t need to explain yourself when others ask why you “can’t just be happy with what you have”. 

You don’t need to explain to ANYONE why you simply want more. 

You can want it. You can have it. And you don’t need to explain why. 

But the thing is – 

Even though you may WANT it, and you want it for the right reasons? 

You’re just not making the money you want to be making right now, right? You’re doing alright. In fact, you’re doing better than you were last year, so THAT is a big deal! But – 

You aren’t even close to where you want to be. You want more. 

Can I tell you something?

The second you allow yourself to ASK for more, and you actively do the work necessary to get it?

THAT is when you will start to receive what you desire. That’s when the money doesn’t just come in, but it flows to you easily and effortlessly, and all from doing what you love and getting paid to be YOU.

I’ve run countless businesses over the last 13 years of being online, and the #1 issue I see SO many people struggle with is increasing their income. Want to know why?

I’ll tell you. 

The #1 reason you can’t seem to increase your income is because you aren’t focused on income-generating activities. 

In other words – 

They’re spending time on what they THINK matters, when what REALLY matters, is spending 99.9% of your time on tasks that will in some way make you money. 

I mean, it’s not hard, if you think about it. There are MANY ways to make money. There are many tasks you can do to increase your income. 

So the question is, WHY aren’t you doing them?

I asked this question to a client the other day, and she just said honestly “I don’t know what “income-generating” tasks are”. DUH! Of course she wasn’t doing them if she didn’t know what “they” were! So I gave her a bunch of examples and then felt guilty that I hadn’t shared these with you, too, because EVERYONE should know how to generate more income in their business! 

Especially because it can be so EASY if you know what the hell you’re doing. 

So here it is – 


Here we go..

#1. Create valuable content and share it on social media. Not just on Facebook, but in as many places as possible. Don’t forget about Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.

#2. Engage with and give value to your email community. Don’t believe that you’re only “allowed” to email your list once or twice a week. You can email them as much as you want! And the more you email and connect with them, the better off you’ll be. 

#3. Establish a follow up process for reaching out and following up with potential clients and customers. This is one of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make and it’s costly one!

#4. Focus on taking daily actions to grow your community on a daily basis. Set up multiple Facebook ads to get people into your Facebook group or on your email list, promote your social media accounts to your email list or on other social platforms (for example, promote your Twitter account on your Instagram page). The more people you have following you, the more money you make. It’s just math! 

#5. Ask for the sale not just every day, but all day long, in multiple places. I’m not saying to spam your people, but GIVE VALUE and then follow up by offering something else of value for sale. This is the number one way to increase your income: SELL MORE. 

#6. Show up more. Be visible. Share your message, your content, your VALUE, and yes, your sales pitch, all over the place, including your website, your blog, your email list, your social media accounts. The more they see you, the more they pay attention and the more likely they are to buy.

#7. Create more stuff to sell. Remember that everything you do each day in your life is content. From your morning routine, to how you manage kids and a business at the same time, to how you show up on social media, to what you eat, to…. everything. It’s all CONTENT. And your community wants it! The more you create, the more you can package up and sell. So it comes down to this: Write more, speak more, sell more. 

#8. Launch WAY more often. Don’t believe the hype that you need to have a month-long (or longer) launch in order to make a lot of money. You can do the same in a shorter time-frame if you do it correctly, which just means you can launch more! And by launching more, you earn more. Sounds like a win/win to me.

It’s not just the “smart” people that make more money.

It’s not only those who have a team to help them that make more money. 

And it’s definitely not only those who got “lucky” that make more money. 

It’s those that get up every day and focus on income-generating tasks all day long, and who delegate (or drop all together) everything else. It’s those that make a commitment to doing the work - and then do it. It’s those who give value and sell as if their life depended on it. 

This can be you. YOU can be making more money. You can be increasing your income day after day. 

It all starts with you admitting that’s what you want, and then doing the tasks necessary to making it a reality. 

There is no secret pill you can take. 
There is no magic step-by-step plan. 
There is no special “hack” to participate in.

It’s just THIS: 

Focus 99.9% of your time on income-generating activities and .01% on everything else. 

Do this and watch your income grow almost instantly. Keep doing this and it will CONTINUE to grow! 

Start a list of 30+ income generating activities you can do right now to increase your income. Do at least 10 of them today. Continue this process every single day! 

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!