Have you ever wondered why some women are kicking ass while others are still sitting on the sidelines, waiting for their turn at bat?

It’s a common question a lot of people ask: “Why her and not me?”

And I’ve got the answer for you! Ready?


It’s simple, really. When you just DECIDE that you’re going to get what you want, the universe collaborates FOR you and starts making shit happen. 

And if you’re constantly looking at others and how great their life appears to be, and comparing it to your own life, all that’s going to happen is you’re going to end up feeling depressed, jealous and frustrated.

Which is not a recipe for success, in case you were wondering.

Why is “she” doing better than you? Why is she making more money? Why is she more visible? Why is she more OUT THERE and present all the time? Why is she featured on the top podcasts? Why is she getting all of this attention?

Because she asked for it, she considered it a done deal, and then she took that aligned action every day to make it happen. 

She is success-oriented. Everything she does, she does it with success on her mind. That’s how you need to be working if you want success yourself. 

And let’s be honest – 

That’s NOT how you’ve been doing things. 

Can I ask you a serious question?

Do you really even WANT to be successful?

Do you want to make 10x more money, or better?

Do you want to work with more ideal clients?

Do you want to become one of the top experts in your industry?

Do you want the fame, the fortune, the impact? 

If you said YES to any of the above questions, you’re going to have to start taking your success more seriously. You need to start living as though there is no other choice BUT success. Can you do that?

Over my 12+ years of building businesses online, I’ve learned that the single most important thing to obtaining success in any form, is to start making success a priority. Not a nice-to-have. Not a “one day” goal. Starting and ending each day with SUCCESS on your mind.

Once you can do that, success is inevitable.


These are the rules I live by on a daily basis and why I KNOW I’ve been able to create the level of success that I have in my life and business. 

Rule #1: Focus on the end goal.
Get super fucking clear on what it is you actually want. Not today, not this month, but LONG TERM. What are you doing all of this for? What’s the point?

Do you want $100 million dollars in yearly income? Do you want a house on the beach? Do you want to employ your husband full time?

What is the BIG vision, the ULTIMATE goal?

Focus on THAT. It should be on your mind every second of every day, because when it is, you can ensure you choose the right tasks each day that will get you closer and closer to achieving that ultimate goal, instead of wasting your time on meaningless shit.

Rule #2: Mindset is everything.
There is not a single thing more powerful than your mind. 

If you want to achieve something - anything - it starts and ends with your mind. Whether you achieve that goal or not, depends ENTIRELY on your mindset.

Focusing on the negative or the lack of something you want, is only going to bring more negativity and lack to your life. 

On the other hand, focusing on the positive and the abundance of what you already have is going to deliver more positivity and more blessings to your life.

You get to choose what the outcome is for your days. Positivity? Negativity? Complaining and whining? Appreciating and enjoying? Your choice.

Start journaling. Daily. Get your thoughts out on paper. Get inspired. Let it ALL out! Call in what you want. Dig deeper into yourself, your dreams and desires, and what’s keeping you stuck.

What you focus on determines your reality. Choose to focus on instilling a positive mindset and I promise it will change your life forever (my mindset practice is the #1 thing I look forward to every day because it gets me fired up and in the BEST mood, which makes creating, selling and living my life, that much easier and more fun!).

Rule #3: Do what it takes, always. No excuses.
Fuck your excuses. If you made the decision to never allow yourself to make excuses for anything ever again, your success would multiply almost instantly. That’s a guarantee. 

Hold yourself accountable. Take responsibility for your life. This is all on you. NO ONE ELSE and NOTHING ELSE is controlling you. 

Excuses make you weak. Excuses hold you back from really growing and expanding and living the live you’ve always wanted. Excuses mean you don’t REALLY want what you say you do, because if you did?

Those excuses wouldn’t come up. You’d have SUCCESS on the brain and simply do whatever necessary to attain that success. 

Every day when you wake up, you get to make a choice. You can continue to stay where you are, you can make excuses as to why right now is not a good time to push harder, do more, be more, live more, learn more, grow more – 


You can REALLY wake the fuck up, and go into your day with GUSTO, knocking down everything and everyone in your path to greatness.

So what’s it gonna be?

Rule #4: Be grateful for everything and everyone in your life.
When you can appreciate what you already have (really, TRULY appreciate it), the universe has no choice but to reward you with even MORE of what you want.

Make gratitude a regular part of your every day.

Express thanks for the money you have (even if there’s only $5 in your bank account and you’re over $100K in debt).

Express thanks for your family members, even if they aren’t 100% as supportive as you’d like them to be.

Express thanks for the things you own that make life easier, such as your car, your phone, the internet.

Express thanks for the positive influences in your life, including people, books and movies.

Express thanks for EVERYTHING you have! Everything. Do this on a daily basis, today, tomorrow, and every day you’re given the gift of life.

Rule #5: Listen and learn.
Spend time in silence every day, ideally multiple times a day, simply letting your mind wander.

Try to avoid thinking about what you need to do next and just be present in that moment. 

Sitting in silence allows you to fully listen to your inner mentor, which almost always results in powerful ideas, elicits positive emotions (if you direct your thoughts to positive things), and gets you into a better frame of mine. This is especially helpful to do when you’re feeling stressed, bored, or angry.

We spend too much time on the move, working away, doing, doing, doing, and not allowing our inner mentor to come out and mentor us on what we need to do to truly be happy and achieve what we want. Listen to yourself. Every day, let your inner mentor speak up and share what she needs to share.

In addition to listening to YOURSELF, spend time learning from other #bestofthebest mentors that you resonate with.

Watch their videos, read their emails, hire & work with them privately, join their programs, consume their content, their ideas, their words, every single day. 

Remember that you can’t do this on your own. You MUST seek out the support and the inspiration you need to succeed.

Rule #6: Accept help. Don’t go it alone.
I know you think you can manage. 

I know you think that right now, it’s not a big deal, you’ll save some money and just do things yourself. Design your website, all of your marketing, posting on all of your social media profiles, dealing with all of the customer service questions and tasks, battling every single tech issue – 

Sure, you CAN do it on your own.

But if you have SUCCESS on your brain, then you know that doing it all is the dumbest move you can make because it SLOWS DOWN the rate at which you succeed, if you do at all.

Successful people have teams. They have others doing tasks that they simply are not good at, don’t enjoy, or just don’t have time for. Successful people understand the value of delegating.

Sure, you may save some money now, but you’re LOSING money in the long run, because you could be making more SOONER if you had just delegated the shit you suck at! With all of the time saved from delegating, you could have made 10x your money back by spending that time increasing your income! 

STOP DOING IT ALL. Invest in the best and spend all of your time and energy on the stuff only YOU can do.

Rule #7: Invest like a motherfucker. 
One of the BIGGEST lessons I’ve learned in the last year is this: 

Commit to things you don’t have the money for right now. 


Because doing so lights a fire under your ass to do the fucking WORK to make that money because you have other people relying on you for that money.

This may not work for everyone, but for me, it’s one of the best things I can do to make money quickly. 

For example: Earlier this year, I invested in a PR agent because I knew that by getting on more podcasts, websites, etc., I would really be upping my visibility, which, as we all know, always leads to more clients and more cash. But the thing was - I didn’t actually HAVE the $30,000 (closer to $35,000 Canadian) to invest in this PR.

Instead of walking away, saying “sorry, no, I can’t afford it, maybe later” (knowing full well that “later” would never come), I urged her to send me the contract and take my first, non-refundable deposit, because once that was done, I couldn’t back out! I’d be COMMITTED to spending that $35K. Which was really fucking scary. But I knew that if I didn’t take the risk, I would NOT be rewarded. 

And what do you know? 

I made that $35,000 in less than a month, paid off my balance in full less than 2 months into our contract, and reaped the rewards of that investment 10x over (podcasts features, Huffington Post mentions, collaborations with big names in the industry, and more!). All because I put my money where my mouth was - even if my money was in the form of a credit card and multiple payment plans! 

The lesson? The scarier the investment, the more you need to fucking DO IT. Whatever it takes. Commit to it. Feel that PRESSURE to create the money you just committed to, because that pressure is what you NEED to feel in order to do what’s necessary to SMASH your money goals, no matter how big they may be!

Rule #8: Don’t back down. Pass the tests.
You WILL be tested. You will have opportunities that are presented where you can retreat, back down, turn away – 

You will be put under the microscope. The universe will examine every square inch of you to ensure you are SERIOUS about this success you say you want.

And if you fail, you fail. No rewards. NO success.

There will be times that you are being tested that you don’t even REALIZE you are being tested, but you are. 

Pay attention to your words and your actions. Are you saying “soon”, “later”, “one day”, “I can’t”? Are you slowing down, taking breaks too often, giving up when things get hard? If so, success is NOT in the cards for you. Success doesn’t come to those who expect a free pass. It comes to those who fucking WORK for it. Who say and do whatever it TAKES to achieve it!

Rule #9: Live like you give a fuck.
Stop sleep-walking through life.

Wake the fuck up and LIVE! 

Show the universe how grateful you are for another day on earth. 

Put your WHOLE self into everything you do. Parenting your kids, changing lives, being present for your community, taking care of your body and mind – 


Go 100% IN, always. Grab life by the balls and RUN WITH IT. You have so much potential. Your capacity to receive more and experience more is INFINITE. 

You just need to WAKE UP, SHOW UP, and SHAKE THINGS UP. All day, every day.

Did you get all that?

The rules of success, right there! It’s not that complicated, so why are you making it that way?

Be success-focused, driven, and continue to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get where you want to go, and have the success you want.

It’s all up to you. Are you ready for it?

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!