When you finally start acting as NEXT-LEVEL you…

When you finally start acting as NEXT-LEVEL you…

If you coud be that “perfect” version of yourself right NOW – 

If you didn’t have to WAIT to be this person –

If you had no fears or reservation around what she looked like as a whole – 

How would that look to you?

How would you spend your time?
Who would you spend that time with?
How would you dress?
Where would you shop?
What would you invest in?
How would you speak?

Think about it. Who is this successful person? This person with everything she’s ever wanted, this person living your dream lifestyle, this person without a care in the world.. 

Who is she?

She’s YOU! If you can see her, feel her presence, have those big deams and the vision of eventually BEING this person, then guess what, it’s already happening! You are in the process of making that dream life a reality, instead of just thinking about it in your head and how it might be when you finally make it happen.

The time to make it happen is NOW. The time to start being that “perfect” you is right fucking now!

Want to seriously uplevel your life? Start acting as the person who has already done so. The future you! 

The future can be NOW, if you just make that decision. If you remind yourself that you don’t have to wait. That you can be, do and have everything you want RIGHT NOW.

Growing up, I was always told that – 

  • If you want something, you need to save up to be able to afford it. 
  • You have to stay in school if you’re ever going to be successful and make a lot of money.
  • Money is hard to come by and you don’t want a lot of it anyway, because rich people are greedy, selfish snobs.
  • In your dreams! (as in “yeah, good luck, that’s never gonna happen!”)
  • Good things come to those who wait.
  • Marry a rich man and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.
  • Don’t quit your day job! (in other words, “your idea is stupid and will never work.”)

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. 

I was basically told that what I wanted to be, do or have was either stupid, impossible or that it wouldn’t happen for a long fucking time.

And in the back of my head, I was always thinking “I’ll show you!“.

And now those people who doubted me, who made fun of my aspirations – 

Are asking me to help them.

And I’d be lying if I said that didn’t make me feel good. That I did what they couldn’t because I actually fucking BELIEVED in myselfand I feel good that I am doing better than them. Because I never doubted my dreams; I knew I had them for a reason and I kept fighting until I achieved what I want.

I’m still fighting.
I’ll always be fighting. 
Because my dreams are always getting bigger and better.
And I’ll be damned if someone else is gonna be right about my not being able to achieve them! 

Future you, is current you, you’re just seeing her in this non-penetratable bubble. POP THAT BUBBLE! Let that new-level version of yourself out! The only one who can actually bring her to life is YOU. You can let her see the light of day, you can BE HER and you can be her NOW.

Just make the decision.

You are this new-level person. You are her NOW. 

How are you acting?
How are you thinking?
What are you doing?
Who are you with?
How much money are you making?
What are you spending it on?
What are you eating, drinking, wearing?

WHO IS THIS PERSON? Get clear. And then ACT AS IF you are her NOW. Because you can be. 

You can have what she has in your dreams. 
You can do what she does.
You can be THAT PERSON now. 

Decide. Commit. Act accordingly. 

It’s never been hard. You don’t need to reach a certain milestone to be next-level you. You don’t need to wait. You can have it all, right here, right now. 

It all starts in your head. Do you want it? Do you REALLY fucking want it? 

If so, then NOTHING can stand in your way. Be her. Act as her. And live that dream life you’ve been trying to create for so long. The one you’ve been building, slowly, but not fully embracing. 

ENJOY IT NOW. You can have it now. And you can continue to grow and uplevel. Your dream life now may look different than your dream life 5 years from now. That’s the beauty of this – 

You never stop easing into that perfect lifestyle, being that perfect person you want to be. You keep growing, you keep expanding, you keep asking for more. And damn it, you keep GETTING more!

Stop playing small. 
Stop accepting less than what you want.
Stop settling for what you currently have.

What you want, what you dream about? It is meant for you. Believe that. If you are always thinking about it, it’s there for a reason and you need to grab it. Hold on to it. LIVE IT. Fully embrace what you want and how you want it. Then ask for it, claim it as yours and BE that person who has what she wants. 

Once you start acting as that next-level version of yourself that has the money, the car, the travel plans, the relationship, the body – 

Once you act as though you are her NOW –
When you start saying, doing, wearing, even EATING what she does – 

Only then will you BECOME her. Only then will you get to experience what she does in your dreams. Your dreams officially become your reality when you start acting as if that’s already the case!

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!