It’s very easy for us to do what we do because A) we’re the best at it and B) we simply can’t NOT do it.

It’s strange for us to witness other people doing the opposite of what we do, and it physically pains us to see someone suffering that doesn’t have to suffer by doing shit they don’t enjoy. It takes a lot of self-restraint to not shake some sense into these people.

This morning I was thinking about how amazing you are

How I am so grateful, excited and truly HAPPY to have you in my life. That I can lead you down this path that you’re on. That I can share with you my experience, my mistakes, my big wins; so you can learn from it all.

I am proud of how far you’ve come. Proud of ALL the progress you’ve made (I’ve noticed!). Proud of who you are becoming.

This is an open letter to YOU, my rule-breakin’ badass boss – 

I just want you to know: 

You are doing an amazing job.
People LOVE you and you’re helping them so much.
You are changing the world with your words.
You are magnetic in every way.
You are needed and wanted.

And everything you’re doing is the PERFECT thing to be doing right here, right now.

Everything is working out exactly as it should for you. You can choose to speed things up, if you wish, but know that you don’t have to. You can continue exactly as you are and you will still see everything fall into place perfectly. 

Because you just KNOW. 
That’s what I love about you: you KNOW.

You know exactly what to do, and you do it.
You know exactly what to say, and you say it. 

And others? 

They notice this, too. That’s why they follow you. That’s why they love you. That’s how you are changing their lives.

It wasn’t that long ago that I thought you didn’t exist. I believed that I was the only one who acted this way, thought this way, believed this way…

But I was wrong, because here you are. Breaking all the rules. Just like me. 

You’re independent. 
You’re a rule-breaker. 
You do things YOUR way. 
You invest in yourself.
You go ALL in on everything.
You crave big results.
You live a VIP lifestyle.
You have huge dreams.
You value accountability.
You’re high-energy and get restless while “relaxing”.
You’re doing work that I stand behind 100%.
You inspire others. You inspire me.

This morning I was having a conversation with one of my badass high-level clients and during our 30 minute call (which is often less than 30 minutes; today we talked for 22 minutes only) we spent more than half of it talking about vegan food and itermittent fasting. 

Here’s what I’ve discovered about whether or not I’m working with a soulmate client: 

If at least half of the conversation is about something OTHER than business, I’m working with a soulmate client.

Because here’s the thing – 

MY soulmate clients? They don’t actually need much help in the business department. They know what the fuck to do. They hire me for accountability, for mindset support, for my energy, and for SOME business coaching. 

Anyone who has ever hired me and only asked me how to grow their email list and make money was fucking BORING and not a soulmate client for ME. I’ve since learned that the less business talk we have, the better the client’s results. Why? Because the more mindset work you do, the better you get at business and making money, meaning the less you need to actually get support/guidance on your business and money.

As much as I love talking about making money, and I DO every day to pretty much ALL of my clients, what really excites me is getting into your brain and stuffing it full of mindset exercises that will up-level your life (including, yes, bringing in more money).

I know now that my clients don’t NEED me. They WANT me. 

My clients know exactly what they need to do. They just want me to be there while they do it. 

My clients love me for me, and crave my energy and my support. 

You don’t actually NEED me for anything. All of the answers are already inside of you. You know exactly what you need to do. You KNOW. What you need? Is to trust that those answers are the right ones, and to start taking action on them immediately.

I’m grateful and excited that you want me to be there while you do that. 

We really are two peas in a pod. And I couldn’t be more excited!