3 important questions you need to ask yourself RIGHT NOW if you want success

3 important questions you need to ask yourself RIGHT NOW if you want success

There are 3 questions I want you to think long and hard about today – 

The first question is WHY. Why do you do what you do? Why do you constantly get back up when you fall down? Why do you push through the HARD, so you can live life more easily? Why are you a true hustler that is making shit happen in her life?

Seriously - think about it. Ask yourself: WHY?

The second question I want you to ask your self is WHEN. When will it be enough? Is it ever enough? When are you going to take things to the next level? When and how are things going to improve? When will you be living the life of your dreams (and why not NOW)?

Timelines, deadlines, NUMBERS – 

They’re crucial. Get clear on what they are.

Finally, the last question is WHAT. What makes you worthy of the success you so desire? What makes you special? What DRIVES you? What is the reason you want to live better, live more, reach more, make more, IMPACT more? What needs to change in your life to make these things happen?

The why, the when, the what – 

Are all questions that are super important to check in on with yourself regularly, yet it’s an exercise many never do. Not consistently enough, anyway.

The reason you’re likely not living the life you want right now is because you haven’t been asking yourself these questions and then ACTING based on what the answers are.

There is no path perfectly paved to success. You have to drive over the rocks just like everybody else. 

You can’t hide behind the computer screen and expect people to see you.

Get out there and start making shit happen. Regularly. 

Be the boss. The badass boss bitch you know you are. Show your people you mean BUSINESS and you’re not gonna let them down by backing down yourself.

Showing up and sharing your message is what = impact and money.
Showing up and sharing your message is what = impact and money.
Showing up and sharing your message is what = impact and money.

Show the fuck up. Be the example. Give them what they want and what they need. Help them. Solve a problem. Share a story. Let them know you care. 

And then fucking SELL as if your life depends on it, because it does. 

Sell your people what they need. What they will benefit from. There is nothing wrong with accepting money from someone if you are helping them and genuinely care about their success.

The world is not yours for the taking, it’s yours for the making. Make a difference in the world by showing up, being you, and spreading your message like wildfire. People need to hear what you have to say. So say it.