9 No-Fail Blog Ideas for Stay at Home Moms

9 No-Fail Blog Ideas for Stay at Home Moms

Does this sound like you?…

  • “I’d love to start a blog, but I don’t know what to write about.”
  • “I’d love to write about ____, but people are already doing it, so it’s pointless.”
  • “I have too many ideas for a blog, I don’t know which one to choose!”

If any (or all!) of these sound like you, you’re not alone. I’ve spoken to dozens of moms who want to start a blog, but are stuck feeling like they have too many ideas or an idea that just isn’t good enough.

Well, guess what - your idea is good enough. Whatever it is, it is good enough. Whatever makes you excited to write about, excited to think about, excited to talk about - is good enough.

It may not be the most profitable blog idea (there are ways to determine that), but if you’re not excited to write about it, it will never take off anyway. There are ways to monetize just about every blog topic under the sun, so have no fear. Say what you want to say!

If you’re suck on what to write about, here are some blog ideas:

1. Parenting
Yes, there are lots of parenting blogs out there, but if you can make yourself different or better than them, you can still be successful in this niche.

Consider blogging about parenting your special needs child, or if you’re a parent of multiples (twins, triplets, etc.), you can write from that aspect, or perhaps you adopted all of your kids - a parenting blog from that point of view could be interesting as well.

Or - simply look at the parenting blogs that are out there, find out what’s crappy about them, and then improve upon those crappy things and build a better blog.

2. Food Blog
Again, yes, there are lots of food blogs already. However, you can create a very specific food blog and do very well.

Some examples are: a food blog all about chocolate (YES!), or a gluten-free baking blog, or a smoothie blog, or a vegetarian blog that shares yummy, meat-free lunch & dinner mains. The possibilities really are endless when it comes to a food blog. Just remember to get as specific as possible.

3. Homeschooling Blog
If you home school your child, you may want to consider starting a homeschooling blog, teaching other parents how to successfully teach your child from home (you could eventually offer coaching/consulting as well, adding to your revenue stream).

Share your resources, your tips & tricks, and show other parents exactly how they can home school their children, as well.

4. Craft/DIY Blog
Love crafts and/or do-it-yourself projects? That might be a great blog idea for you!

These types of blogs do extremely well on social media (especially Pinterest), so it’s possible to grow your blog very fast if you take good photos of your project, and write very detailed how-to guides/instructions, and you get smart with social media sharing.

5. Organizing Blog
Even though there are plenty of organizing blogs on the web, you can still join in on the fun and make a pretty penny.

These blogs also do extremely well on social media, so the traffic potential is huge. Again, you need to make sure you photograph your organizing projects well.

Look at what popular organizing blogs are doing. How can you do it better, or in a new and interesting way?

6. Couponing Blog
If you’re a big coupon lover, a couponing blog might be the best bet for you. However, there are a gazillion of these online already, so you definitely MUST do something different to stand out, or do it way, way better than the other bloggers that are already in this space.

The good thing about coupon blogs is that you can monetize them in many different ways, including coupon sites (such as coupons.com, if you live in the US), affiliate links, and ad networks.

7. Health/Well-Being Blog
There are so many topics in this category that you could choose as your main blog topic. Stress, disabilities, meditation, breastfeeding, addictions & recovery, fitness, infertility, pregnancy, woman’s health and more.

Choose one that feels right to you - something that you’re excited to talk about. Something that you have the knowledge to talk about. Go with your gut.

8. Gardening Blog
There are a ton of gardening blogs out there, but most of them suck. Big time. I know this because I’ve tried to find one that resonated with me and my situation (only gardening in the summer, in Canada, with a small space), and I’ve come up with nothing.

Most gardening blogs are too broad and not specific enough. If you can get really specific with your blog (such as “berry gardening” or “gardening for lazy people” - HA! Not me, I swear…), then you could do very well.

9. Fitness
Perhaps you are a fantastic runner. You run all the time, in all kinds of weather, and it’s one of your biggest passions that you just can’t stop talking about when people ask. There’s a blog!

Maybe your thing is yoga. You do it every day, and always have people asking you for advice on how to start. There you go again - another blog idea.

Make your fitness blog different or better than what’s already out there, and you’ll have no problem finding readers and becoming profitable.

As you can see, there are a multitude of different blog ideas to choose from. There are many, many more, I’m sure, so use your discretion and choose the one that calls your name. The one that makes you excited.

Don’t write about something just because you think it will be successful and make you lots of money. That is a bad idea that, I promise you, will eventually fail miserably.

Go with the blog idea that feels right to YOU.

What are you going to write about on your blog? Tell me in the comments!

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