Do you KNOW you were born to change the world?

Do you KNOW you were born to change the world?

Sometimes it makes me sad that so many people just don’t GET us and what we do. How all we wanna do is wake up, be ourselves, and share our message with the world. 

We just want to be who we are and be loved for that. 

We want to change the world with our words and our actions.

We want to encourage others and make a difference.

Yet they think we sit at home and binge on Netflix and Facebook all day, don’t they? That couldn’t be further from the truth, and I know you feel me on that! I know how hard you work. I see you every day, showing up, saying something, being present. I KNOW that you’re busting your ass. I KNOW that you are so gung-ho for this. I KNOW you want it. 

It, being the success, the impact, the money, and the fame, of course. 🙂 

And it’s not always easy being us, now is it? It’s not always easy saying what’s on our mind, because we know that no matter what we say, someone won’t be happy with us. Someone will be angry. Someone will be silently (or not-so-silently) judging us. It’s not easy knowing that we can’t be loved by everyone. But still we try, don’t we? 

It’s not always easy doing the “work”. Showing up day after day, writing, speaking, creating, messaging, selling, delivering.. 

It’s fun, yes. But easy? Not always. Sometimes the last thing you want to do is turn on your laptop, or get on camera, or even call someone you’re normally excited to call and speak to. Sometimes you just want to do fuck all. And you know what? Sometimes that’s okay. 

But what you also want to recognize is when it’s the voice in your head telling you that you should be doing fuck all, or if that’s actually what YOU need to do for yourself in that moment. Because a lot of the time, it’s the voice in your head telling you that you should take a break, you deserve it, you’ve worked so hard all week, take a break – 

Or no, you don’t have to write again today, you’ve already written 3 things, so even though you feel compelled to speak up and say something, you don’t, because you won’t want to “offend” anyone by writing “too much” (spoiler alert: there’s no such thing as too much content!).

The voice in your head tries to get you to slack off. 
It makes excuses for you. 
It tells you that you don’t have to do the work.
It tells you that you can just meditate and journal all day and that’s all you need to do. 
It tells you to only create when inspired. 
It tells you that you can’t make more than X amount of dollars in your business or you’re selfish.

It tells you all kinds of crazy shit, trying to convince you to do things other than the way you KNOW in your gut, you’re meant to do them.

And you know what? 

That voice is a fucking LIAR.

What’s true is this: 

You were born to do great things in this world. You already KNOW this. You already believe that you ARE gonna be rich, famous, and you’re going to change the lives of millions, all over the world. You feel it in your SOUL, don’t you? 

I know you do. I know because you are just like me, and I feel it, too. 

It’s strong. It’s powerful. And it’s a damn big responsibility to be someone who plans to change the world, as well as a big undertaking! But it’s your destiny. You’ve known it since you were young. This is who you’ve always known you were going to be, and damn it, it IS gonna happen - in fact, it’s already happening right now!

Listening to the voice in your head means giving into what may or may not be real. The next time you’re about to make a decision on something, ask yourself if it’s YOU that’s directing that action, or the voice. If it’s the voice, and you don’t actually trust that it’s right, ignore it, and do what you know in your gut is the right thing to do.

Because what the voice will often tell you is that it’s okay to NOT do things, even things you love, and things you WANT to do. The voice will give you all kinds of seemingly valid excuses that aren’t really valid at all.

I mean, why WOULD you want to avoid doing your soul work? Why WOULD you want to avoid speaking/writing? Why WOULD you want to avoid selling something you believe so strongly in? Why WOULD you want to avoid speaking to your community of soulmate clients and followers?

It’s easy to fall into the EXCUSES trap. 

It’s easy to say that you DESERVE a break, time off, to avoid doing something.. 

But do you want to know what you deserve even more than that? You deserve the RESULTS that come from getting the stuff done that must get done because you actually WANT to do it! You deserve the feeling of speaking your truth and getting paid to simply be YOU. You deserve a life of VALUE. You deserve it ALL! 

And you can have it. As soon as you decide that you’ll accept nothing less