So what if that client that said yes changed her mind?

So what if someone said you were wasting your time doing what you felt called to do?

So what if you aren’t sure exactly how to make something happen?

So what if you are scared?

So what if things don’t happen the way you want them to happen?

So what if someone doesn’t like you?

So what so what so what??

What REALLY matters is:

Are you doing what feels right to YOU?

If the answer is yes, then fuck all the other bullshit and keep on doing it!

Things rarely work out exactly how you want or expect them to, and by holding on to the notion that they MUST is just going to frustrate you and kill you slowly, day by day.

You can’t micro-manage everything - and why would you want to?

Life is way more fun when it’s spontanious and off-the-cuff! 

Listen, here’s the truth:

There will be people who don’t like you. There will be people who disagree with you. There will be people who talk shit about you behind your back (chicken shit’s would never do it to your face, of course).

As a recovering people-pleaser, I’ve learned all too well just how impossible it is to be liked by everyone. And as soon as I realized that, I stopped trying.


I made the decison to show up fully, as me, and fuck what anyone things.

I chose to speak my mind, and say what I REALLY think - not just what I think people want me to say, which of course has not made everyone happy.

And this is, without a doubt, what I attribute 100% of my success to - being myself. Truly.

It’s not that I don’t care what people think about me - I still do, as much as I try not to - but I care more about having my message heard, and so I shout it from the rooftops every day, even if that means getting some hate mail.

I’ve given up on trying to please everybody.

I’ve given up on filtering myself just to make someone else think of my a certain way.

I’ve given up on being “professional” and showing up the way I’m told that I “have” to.

And instead, I chose to just be me. I chose to acknowledge that I am enough, just as I am, and I don’t need to do anything or say anything that doesn’t feel 100% aligned with who I am.

You can’t please everyone… and why would you want to? Think of the burden that would put on your shoulders! You’d be physically and mentally exhausted from walking around on eggshells every damn day.

Fuck to the NO on that one.

Hear this:

It is safe to be exactly who you are, and who you are is enough.

There is never anything you have to do to make money, help others, and live a great life, except for to be YOU. The real you.

Hiding is never okay. Ever. You are worthy of being seen.

Your voice matters and is so very needed in this worth. It’s necessary that you speak your truth and you speak it loudly. Your message is important.

The only thing truly standing in your way of having is all?

Is you. 
But that’s the truth.

You are the only one blocking your success and you’re doing so by, in some way, staying quiet.

Maybe you’re not allowing yourself to say what you REALLY think –

Because people might not like it
Or because people might get offended
Or because you don’t think it’s important
Or because you don’t believe it’s relevant

Maybe you’re not showing up as much as you should –

Because people might get annoyed with you
Or because you don’t think you have anything important to say
Or because you don’t think that you need to 
Or because you don’t think you know how

Maybe you’re not being fully present as YOU and being who you truly are online –

Because you’re afraid of what people will think
Or because you don’t think people will buy from you if you show up/act that way
Or because someone told you not to
Or because you don’t feel worthy/valid/good enough to

So you stay stuck.


Unable to receive and achieve the things that you want in life.

You’re so fucking SCARED and that fear is pinning you down and is forcing you to stay that way.

You MUST fight back.
Show up. 
Do the work.
Be who you really are.
Show fear who’s boss.

Get over your own bullshit and stop listening to lies from others, telling you that you have to do life a certain way.

So what if doing ____ worked for them? You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.

So what if they charge ____ and make $5 billion dollars every month? You don’t have to charge that much (or little) if you don’t want to.

So what if they use Twitter? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.

So what if they say FB ads are the only way to get people on your email list? You don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. (Also: They’re wrong.)

So what if someone said you were a bad coach/mentor/strategist/friend/person? They’re an asshole and you are awesome.

Wanna know the #1 way to live a life that you love and are proud of?

Be your own damn self.

Everyone else is already taken anyway, so why bother trying to be like them?

Be true to who you are. 
Share who you are with the world. 
Be consistent. 
Do good work.
Love yourself.

That’s the Secret Success Sauce right there (I’m totes trademarking that).

It’s time to get out of your own way, don’t you think? Isn’t it time you had ALL of the things you want in life?

You deserve them. All of them. Don’t you see it?

Time to own that shit and truly be the Badass Boss you know you are!