I can’t believe I did this! {Proof that I fuck up, too.}

I can’t believe I did this! {Proof that I fuck up, too.}

I just finished a 2-hour journaling session, and this is part of what came up – 

“I wish I had woken up earlier so I could have more alone time to myself.
I feel so behind already!
At least I notice when I do this and I recognize that sleeping in never makes me feel better.
Maybe in the momeny, but never once I wake up.
It’s just not worth it.

I am re-commiting to making it a priority to go to bed, and wake up early.
And if I go to bed late, too bad, I still get up early.

I know sleep is important, but damn it, it’s just so inconvenient!
So – 
I sometimes must compromise sleep to get stuff done. 
And more often, I must go to bed at a decent time.”

This is one of those days where I ignored my morning practice and just did whatever I wanted, which was to sleep in.

But the thing is?

I didn’t even have a valid excuse to do so. And I suppose I don’t need one, since I DO preach to do whatever the fuck you want to do, whatever makes you feel good. But – 

This is different.

Because my morning practice, including what time I wake up in the morning – 

Is what sets the tone for my day.

So now that I slept in an extra 2 HOURS longer than usual, I am 2 hours behind. And I have a lot of stuff to do today before we pack up and head back home tomorrow afternoon.

I’m pissed at myself for allowing that 2 hours to totally crush me this morning. But I also realize that I’m human, and that shit happens. Sometimes I fuck up. 🙂 

The good news is that I know how to get back on track straight away, and that’s what I really want to stress to you right now. Even if you fuck up, even if you fall off track, you can get back on, if you have a plan that you can jump into. 

You MUST have a plan. Fail to plan and you plan to fail, as “they” say. 😉

I’m not really big on having a plan. 

Except in this regard. A morning plan, in all honesty, can have the ability to completely change your life and get you creating and manifesting everything you want to be, do and have

That’s why I love having a morning practice that I follow EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Because I know that even if I mess it up a bit, I can easily get back on track again, because I know where to jump into. 

This morning was no different. 

I “wasted” 2 hours by sleeping in. 

I woke up and did the work I knew I NEEDED to do to move forward, starting with journaling, and now, writing to you. 

In my journaling today, I clearled a lot of blocks (some that I didn’t even realize I had until I started writing and they all just came out!), including a HUGE money block I’ve been trying to clear for a few days. And almost instantly, $1,300 in sales came through, and this was just at 7 in the morning. 

I fucking love journaling. It’s a big part of my morning practice, and not just because it makes me money (even though it definitely DOES), but because it allows me to create ANYTHING I want, including the emotions I want to feel! 

I don’t ever want you to think that you’re alone in creating your dream life. 

You are not alone. 

I am right there with you, fucking it all up with you, fixing it all with you, growing an EMPIRE with you, and that dream life?

You ARE creating it. You just need to step back and take a look at how far you’ve already come, instead of criticising yourself for how far you’ve yet to go.

That being said – 

My job is not to sit on your shoulder, wake you up on time every morning, and tell you exactly what to do. 

My job IS, however, to show you the way, and then back off and let you walk the path you need to walk.

And sometimes? 

Sometimes it will hurt.
Sometimes it will be scary.
Sometimes it will be the last thing you want to do.
Sometimes you’ll get lost. 
Sometimes you’ll fuck it all up.

It’s a PROCESS and we ALL must go through it. You can’t expect to just be placed exactly where you want to be without getting any battle scars along the way. You must sweat for this. You must bleed for this. You must give your ALL for this!

You don’t have to do it alone, but don’t ever expect someone else to create your results FOR you. Don’t discredit and disrepect yourself like that. You DO have what it takes. At some point, you’re gonna have to learn to trust yourself.

Support is one thing, reliance is another. Relying on someone else to get you what you want is a cop out and an insult to yourself and your ability to create whatever you want to be, do or have. Do the fucking work!

Don’t doubt for a second that you don’t have what it takes. You know what to do. You know what you need. 

Trust your gut.
Stop ignoring it!

I make ALL of my decisions from gut feeling, and my gut has never once steered me wrong. I’m not about to start doubting it now. 🙂

It’s all inside of you. Learn how to let it all out and stop slacking on what you KNOW you need to do. 

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!