No matter what’s going on. 
No matter how I’m feeling. 
No matter what I think. 

I get to work. Every day. 

Sick, tired, busy, bored, frustrated, scared – 

I do the work. Maybe not all of the work. Maybe not to the best of my abilities. But I do it. Daily, without fail. 

Because why?

Because I want the results and I won’t stop, I won’t slow down, until I get them!

I was talking to my mastermind sisters the other day and I mentioned that I noticed I had a “free day” on Friday because I only had one short call scheduled, and at first I was excited for the white space on my calendar, but then I quickly felt sick to my stomach.

And I was confused, because, HELLO FREE TIME, but soon realized that the reason I felt sick to my stomach was because I don’t LIKE white space!

I want to have a lot on my plate.
I want my to-do list to always be unfinished because there is so much on it.
I want to always have something more I can do.

I don’t enjoy free time. It annoys me, pisses me off, makes me feel depressed for not accomplishing as much as I know I could have. 

And I get that a lot of people don’t think this way. A lot of people WANT free time, they want to take long breaks, they get excited when everything is crossed off their to-do list. 

Not me. 
Not us.
We’re different. 

We live for the hustle. 
Can’t stand life without it!

Breaks? What breaks? Vacation? Isn’t that just living LIFE? 

These are the questions we ask, us natural born hustlers!

We stand for nothing except making a difference in the world and getting paid for it. We know our message matters. We know we were born to impact the lives of millions, and to make millions in the process.

We can’t stop, don’t WANT to stop! WE FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIT.

And no, it’s not always easy. In fact, most of the time, it’s the opposite of easy. But it’s what we want. It’s what we love. It’s what we DO. And we won’t stop for anyone or anything

This is our calling. This is our life. 

And we will do whatever it takes to live our dreams! 

Remember, no one can create your reality except for YOU. If you want to live a different life than the one you’re living now, only you can make that decision. If you want to spend time with different people, or make more money, or live somewhere new, or create something different – 

That’s up to you. You make the choice and then YOU do what it takes to make it your reality. Make the decision, consider it DONE, and then act accordingly. Do the work, hustle your heart out, and watch the magic unfold. 

Make the leap!