I realized I didn’t have an “off” switch, and then this happened –

I realized I didn’t have an “off” switch, and then this happened –

Putting in the hours.

All hours of the day.
All hours of the night.

Never stopping, no matter what my head is telling me. No matter how tired I am. No matter how much I feel like giving up. 

Running the days into nights, the nights into days, hustling like my life depended on it. Because the reality is, it does. If I want to support myself, my family, my business, my community, my team - the hustle never stops. Ever. 

Do I sleep? Hell yes I sleep. I love my sleep. But do you know what I love even more? MONEY. Freedom. Getting to do whatever the fuck I want, whenever I want, in whatever way I want. And you don’t get that with mediocre action-taking.

I used to be one of those people who believed you needed to have set work hours and separate your business from your life. I quickly started to hate that idea and realized that my business WAS my life and that I had to find a way to mesh the two together.

I was never going to find balance. I was never going to “shut off” at 5pm. I didn’t even HAVE an “off” switch at all! Once I realized that, my life changed forever.

I soon came to understand that I wasn’t really selling my programs, my courses, my packages - I was selling ME, my message, my lifestyle. That’s what people bought into. That’s what they wanted to see. So I started to infuse more of myself into my work and what do you know?

More money. More freedom! Freedom to live life my way, do things however I wanted to do them, and still get paid for it. 

But even simply living your life requires work. It requires sacrifice. It requires grinding. And if you’re going to put in so much work just to live your life, you might as well take your life in a direction that benefits you the most, right?

The sad reality is that most people live a life of mediocrity at best. They don’t want to bother putting in the extra 10% effort to get better results. They become complacent. They give up on life.

I often have people tell me they’re “fine”, they’re “doing good”, and then 10 minutes later they’re whining about how “expensive” a $5 bottle of mustard is, and as they mumble something about getting ripped off, they grab the store-brand and put it in their shopping cart. 

So tell me again how you’re fine and doing good? Because from what I can tell, you could be doing a whole lot better!

I see this time and time again. 

Recently I read a story about someone who was supposedly living the “life of their dreams”.

Intrigued, I read on, only to find out that deep down, they were actually really unhappy because although they were making a lot of money and were able to buy and do a lot of things they wanted, they hated the work they had to do to make that money.

And this is a common misconception about wealth. You have to work hard, constantly, often doing the job that pays the most. This frustrates me to no end because I hate seeing people doing shit they hate just because they think they have no other choice.


You can make as much money as you want, doing what you love, and that alone. Simply living your life and spreading your message like wildfire. You don’t NEED that shitty 9-5, even if it does pay you a million a year. When you work for someone else, you’re helping them live THEIR dream life.

Sure, you may get monetary benefits, but is that worth it? Why not take that effort, put it into your own business, and keep 100% of the profits yourself to spend on YOUR dream life?

We were all born to succeed at extraordinary levels. The unfortunate thing is that many will never live up their fullest potential. Don’t be one of the unlucky ones that live just a mediocre life.

Let’s all be rockstars.
Let’s all change the world.
Let’s all do amazing work we’re obsessed with.
Let’s all make crazy amounts of money doing what we love.

If it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you!