I was once a coupon clipper, now I get to do things like this…

I was once a coupon clipper, now I get to do things like this…

One of the benefits of working for yourself is the ability to travel whenever you want.

I decided to travel last weekend. Although it was only for 2 days, I made the decision to take the weekend off from business stuff, and all my other responsibilities and head to New York with my bestie for a girls weekend. Road trip!

The plan was to meet up with another friend in Albany, which we did (and had such an AMAZING time!), do a bit of shopping (Hi Target, I love you!) and eat everything in sight (not difficult).

There weren’t many apartments or hotels available to rent, and because I’m not a fan of B&B’s, I didn’t hesitate, and just booked us two gals a big ‘ol HOUSE on the water.

My friend joked that I was crazy because it cost me around $700 for two nights, plus $600 on gas, phone charges and other odds and ends - not to mention food on top of that. It was close to a $2,000 trip. But – I did it without ANY hesitations about money.

The old me, the me from less than a year ago, would never, EVER have spent $2,000 for a weekend away. These days, I allow myself to do things that raise my vibration and make me feel good. Because if I’ve learned anything over the past 8 months, it’s that the more I feel good, the more money I make.

So while my friend flinched at the $2,000 price tag, I didn’t. I paid it all without a single complaint.

I’m now able to enjoy my life without worry about money. If I want to travel, I can travel, if I want to go on a shopping spree at the mall, I can, if I want to treat a bunch of friends to dinner, no problem.

In just 8 months I’ve been able to go from struggling financially, always worried about money, clipping coupons and hunting for deals, to having a business that’s brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars in less than a year - which means no more financial struggles.

If you want the same, you can have it. I’m not special, I didn’t get here because I’m better than you. I got here because I learned what I needed to learn and I worked my ass off. If you’re ready to do the same, I invite you to join The Sales Mastery Blueprint where I’ll show you what needs to be done to put YOU on the fast track to $10K, $15K, $20K months and beyond.

But, you’ve gotta hurry - doors close this FRIDAY at 11:59pm EDT. Come on, don’t let another month pass, where you try to do it all on your own with meager success. You can sign up for as low as $297 (one time) - that’s it! Though worth it, this course does not cost $1,000 or more. It’s just a few hundred dollars - and if you implement the things you learn, you’ll make back THOUSANDS of dollars. How’s that for amazing value?

Don’t delay - time is running out! I’ll see you inside. Me, and the money, are waiting. Click here to sign up.