On fear, guilt, and doing what YOU want to do (you don’t have to be like everybody else)

On fear, guilt, and doing what YOU want to do (you don’t have to be like everybody else)

It’s time to unlock that inner power that you know you have but can’t seem to access. 

You’re always go, go, go, and part of you loves this, while the other part of you feels guilty.

Guilty that you can’t slow down.
Guilty that you’re not always present for others.
Guilty that you like to be alone.
Guilty that you’re always working.

But that’s okay. 

The guilt will subside and you will eventually get to the point where you can actually learn from it and use this guilt in a positive way.

You’re doing this for YOU.
For your community. 

You’re doing this so that you can be free.
Free from mundane work.
Free from the struggle.
Free from fear.
Free from everything that holds you back and stops you from living the life you want to live.

And there are times when you doubt yourself. “No way this will ever work for me!” I can work hard, but not THAT hard. Is this really the life for me? Can I do it? Do I WANT to do it? Am I faking it?

Showing up is easy. But you feel like you’re always behind the 8-ball.
Always far behind.
Never caught up.

Is “caught up” a good thing anyway?

Maybe you just need more structure.
Maybe you need to let some things go.
Maybe you need to only focus on what you’re good at, what you love, and nothing more.

Of course you should!

This is what makes you money, anyway. Being you and doing what you love.

Give yourself permission to let go of the shit you really fucking hate and only doing what you truly LOVE doing.

For me, that’s writing, speaking, creating and selling. I’m good at all 4 and I love them, so they are what I focus on every day.

You don’t need to be like everybody else, nor do you want to be. 

You know you are powerful.
You know you can create anything you want in your life.
You know you are worthy.

But you’re scared.

Scared you will fail.
Scared you will let someone down. 
Scared people will think you’re a fraud.
Scared you’ll work yourself to the bone and never make the money you want to be making 
That people will laugh at you and say “I told you so” when you don’t quite make it.
That every dollar you earn will be spent and there will be nothing left.

What do you need to do?

Believe this is possible.
Believe you are worthy. 
Believe this is easy.
Believe this will happen fast.

In yourself.
In your dreams.
In your efforts.
In your being.


You can’t stop now. Look at what you’ve already created! Look at the lives you’ve already changed!

Don’t turn away.
Don’t back down.
You are needed. 
You are wanted.
You are loved. 

This is YOUR time. And everything is going to work out perfectly for you.