Fuck apologies.

Fuck apologies.

I’m here in Kelowna, BC to support my friend Chantelle, who is hosting her Shine Live event and have h,ad lots of conversations with the women here and one thing that has come up a few times already is that Canadians are always “so nice”.

I’ve never understood this, because I’ve always felt the opposite! We do say “sorry” a lot, though. That I will admit! I actually paid close attention all day yesterday, with all of the interactions I had with people, to see if I could get them to say sorry, even for something that was my fault.

Yep. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Fuck, we ARE nice

So I guess that’s a good thing. 

But what IS NOT a good thing, is apologizing for things you’re not really sorry for.

And this can really be said for ANYONE who is an over-apologizer, Canadian or not. STOP apologizing for things you’re not, or you SHOULDN’T BE, sorry for!

Stop apologizing for making money
Stop apologizing for saying no
Stop apologizing for buying yourself something
Stop apologizing for asking for help
Stop apologizing for disagreeing with someone 
Stop apologizing for calling someone out on their shit
Stop apologizing for changing your mind


You’re a badass bitch that can stand her ground, that has strong beliefs, that has a big opinion that you know MATTERS. You’re at the top of your class, you do what it takes to become BIG, a huge star in your industry.

But you’re apologizing. And you need to stop.

Your life is meant to be lived and loved by YOU, no one else, and you don’t need to apologize for the things you want, think or feel. Who cares if people get offended? It’s YOUR life. Your choices, your decisions!

It’s time to OWN the fact that you are a badass. That you get to be, do and have, whatever the hell you want. And that you don’t have a damn thing to apologize for!

Yesterday I had a woman say “sorry” to me because she didn’t agree with what I said. I asked her why she was sorry and she told me she didn’t want to offend me.

I smiled (being a nice Canadian, and all) and said, “you couldn’t offend me if you tried - I don’t give a fuck about your opinion, I give a fuck about mine”. 


I don’t CARE if someone doesn’t like me
I don’t CARE if someone thinks I’m a bitch
I don’t CARE if someone believes I’m egotistical
I don’t CARE if someone thinks differently from me
I don’t CARE if someone calls me names and wants to make me feel bad

I don’t give a FUCK about the negativity! I’ve become really damn good at blocking that shit out and you need to do the same.

Be you
Do you

And don’t be sorry about it!

It’s one thing to be a nice person and to apologize for GENUINE mistakes (like bumping into someone!), it’s another thing to not truly own who you are, be proud of yourself and show the fuck up as a confident, badass babe.

This life is yours for the making. 

You can have what you want! You can be who you want! You do what you want

Do you understand just how EASY it is to grow a massive following, a huge community of raving fans who love you, buy from you all the time, and get massive results while working with you?

Step into the light
Allow your true self to shine through
Speak your mind with no filter

You have nothing to apologize for, except to YOU, for not allowing yourself to OWN your badassery. For not allowing yourself to go all in. For not allowing yourself to believe this can be easy, fun, exciting, and honestly, really fucking magical.

That’s it. Fuck apologies.