This is how you GET WHAT YOU WANT!

This is how you GET WHAT YOU WANT!

I’ve noticed that I seem to have a fascination with male entrepreneurs more than I do female.

There aren’t many female entrepreneurs I look up to and go “that woman is brilliant and I want to be just like her when I grow up!”. It’s crazy rare.

Male entrepreneurs, on the other hand… there’s a whole group of them I absolutely adore, look up to, and I hang on every word they say!

Mark Cuban
Grant Cardone
Gary Vaynerchuck
Tony Robbins

.. just to name a few!

I wish that there were more women out there that inspired me as much as these men do, but those women are few and far between, unfortunately.

There are SOME, though, and one that I really admire and look up to is Barbara Corcoran.

That is one determined, over-the-top, super savvy, badass motherfucker, that Barbara!

And not long ago, she wrote the following on social media just minutes after I followed up with the realtor for the 5,973th time, about the home I’m manifesting:

“At the end of the day, I don’t care how talented someone is but I do care how persistent they are.”

And it made me love her even more because she is SO FUCKING RIGHT (about a lot of things, but especially about this thing!).

Talent helps, but having it doesn’t mean you’ll be successful. Because where success comes from is persistence.

Being persistant in getting what you want. 
Being persistant in reaching the right person.
Being persistant in selling what you want to sell.
Being persistant in getting people to notice you.
Being persistant in doing what you know you were born for.


And you know what?

I don’t care if you have talent or not. Talent can be learned. Skill can be taught. Persistance can’t. You either have that persistant gene in your body or you don’t.

And if you don’t –

Well, I’m sorry, but this just ain’t gonna work out for you.

Stop trying to be PERFECT at everything you do.

Stop trying to create the perfect website, the perfect opt-in, the perfect email, the perfect sales page –


Because what it actually does, in all honesty, is give you permission to delay.


Oh you need to make sure you have a website before you can create that new offer?
What’s that? You need to fix your sales page before you can promote that offer?
Oh really? Your email list is “too small” and you need to grow it before you start selling?


How the hell do you expect to actually, ya know, MAKE MONEY and HELP PEOPLE, if you just keep DELAYING doing what you’re supposed to be doing, which is to get your work out into the world?!

FYI: You can’t.

Just admit that you’re afraid.

Just admit that you’re terrified, even.

And then get the fuck on with it anyway.

Because fear is not something that should ever hold you back. In fact, fear is what should be the thing that pushes you forward and forces you outside of your comfort zone, which is where true success actually lies!

And no, you DON’T need to know what the hell you’re doing! I mean, it helps, and it definitely makes things a lot easier, but do you need to have everything figured out perfectly? Hell no!

You just need to MOVE FORWARD.

You just need to TAKE ACTION.

You just need to DO SOMETHING.

And you need to be persistant and consistent with it all!

THAT is where true success comes from. Not from a perfectly designed website, or having 3 different types of offers available at once, or having a large email list or Facebook Group –

Success comes from showing up and every single day and being persistant when chasing the things you want.

Go after things that you want bad enough, you’re willing to PERSIST, PERSIST, PERSIST, until it’s YOURS.

Hard work pays
Persistance pays
Consistency pays

And when you combine all 3?

Prepare for a tidal wave of money flowing your way!

Because success doesn’t come until all 3 of those things are in place. THAT is when you’ll truly be able to experience the life you want, the money you want, the impact you want, the experiences you want –

EVERYTHING you want!

That is true success.

It’s time you get out of your own way and stop making it so damn complicated.

You know the people you follow online that make it seem so EASY? 
The ones who seem to have all of their shit together, all of the time?
The people who ALWAYS get what they want, no matter what?
The ones you always compare yourself to?

Do you want to know how they’re able to live that life you’re so envious of?

It’s because they just decided:

I’m DONE playing small.
I’m DONE with this mediocre life.
I’m DONE living with regrets.
I’m DONE going without.
I’m DONE with the struggle.

I’m READY for big things to happen for me.
I’m READY to live a freedom-based life.
I’m READY to always have what I desire.
I’m READY to live life to the fullest.
I’m READY to have more and experience more.

They decided, they took action, and they were persistant with the actions that they took.

Meaning –

They didn’t just say to themselves, as many people do, “I’m so DONE with this mediocre life and I’m ready for more abundance!”, and hang around waiting for their life to become more abundant.

They actually took the actions necessary to make that abundant life become a reality.

You see, sometimes you will need to do things that scare the hell out of you. 
You ALWAYS must do things that scare the hell out of you.

Because that fear will light a fire under your ass to make shit happen, and FAST.

I always say that I work best when there is a lot at stake. 
I invest large sums of money before I actually have it (thanks credit card companies!).
I commit to taking on more than what appears “reasonable” to most people.
I sign contracts for things I know will help me, before I have a chance to talk myself out of making the big, scary decision.

I do these things because they scare the hell out of me.

And I know from over a decade of experience that the most scared I am, the harder I work, and the harder I work, the happier I am, and the happier I am, the more money I make!

All of that to say:

Persistance wins. 
Every time.

It doesn’t matter how many times someone says no to me, if I want it bad enough, I will persist. That’s what I did with my truck, a vacation I recently took, and now, my dream home.

I will NOT stop until they’re mine.

I will persist, persist, persist, until they cave and say “OKAY CASSIE, YOU WIN, IT’S YOURS”.

To which I reply, “I know. It always was.” 

There are a lot of things I’m not good at.

There are a lot of things I don’t even care to be good at.

But I know that if I want something bad enough, my skill level and my talent doesn’t mean shit. How persistant I am DOES.