I Used To Be A Coupon Clipper, Now I Do Things Like This

I Used To Be A Coupon Clipper, Now I Do Things Like This

I have a landscaper that cuts our grass, and trims our bushes & trees every week.

I have groceries delivered weekly - most of them being organic (something I used to believe I couldn’t ever afford).

Someone comes to my house twice per year to change the tires on my car (winters to all-seasons, and all-seasons to winters).

I also have a company come to the house to clean my car (inside and out), every few months (sometimes more often).

Our house is cleaned 3 times per week, every week. (Not currently during the pandemic.)

When I travel more than 5 hours, I fly business class. I sit up front with all of the old dudes (usually those are the only people in business class.)

We live in one of the most prestigious neighbourhoods in all of Toronto. Our neighbours are doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, high-end realtors, and dentists.

I pay for my parents to travel with us and don’t flinch at the added expense.

We often spend multiple weeks in Muskoka every summer (Muskoka is to Toronto what The Hamptons is to New York).

I drive cars that I used to think only the super rich got to drive.

I buy myself - for the most part - whatever I want, whenever I want it, and rarely need to look at the price tag.

Coming from a background of lack and scarcity (and mounds and mounds of debt), it was a difficult transition for me.

At first I felt guilty for making so much money, and for how easy it became for me to do & have what I wanted.

I also dealt with feelings of unworthiness.

And there were moments where seeing such a large amount of money hit my bank account on the regular actually felt a bit overwhelming.

It took a lot of years to heal the “broke girl” inside of me.

I’d spent my entire life living in fear of money running out.

It wasn’t until I built a business in a way that allowed me to consistently earn an income, doing work that I loved, that I discovered –

Hey, this is actually pretty awesome.

It was exactly what I’d always wanted - FREEDOM.

I was free to work from anywhere in the world.

I was free to buy whatever I wanted.

I was free to spend my time the way I liked.

I was free to invest, save, or splurge.

I was free to say yes.

I was free to say no.

I was free, in every sense of the word.

And that’s exactly why I created my business in the first place - freedom.

I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the freedoms that I do today if it weren’t for my discovery of online courses.

Creating something once and having it make money on auto-pilot thereafter has been one of my greatest accomplishments and hands down, the #1 reason I consistently make the money that I do.

I used to clip coupons to buy groceries.

I did this because I had to, otherwise I couldn’t afford to eat.

Now, my grocery bill often spills over $2,000 a month and I don’t even flinch.

I get to feed my family healthy, organic foods every day. I don’t have to save up. I don’t have to sacrifice. And I don’t have to clip a damn coupon, ever. (Unless I want to!)

Online courses and expanding my business to include more automated income streams changed my life.

I’m so excited to show you how to create this level of freedom in your life with online courses.

In The Course Creation Map, you’ll discover the ONLY plan I use to create courses that sell on repeat, month after month (even long after I’ve created them).

Check it out: https://www.cassiehoward.com/coursecreationmap

You’re going to discover just how easy it can be to automate your income, make sales every day, and impact more people with your work - in way less time than you’re spending doing that now.