I ended up in the hospital and then THIS happened –

I ended up in the hospital and then THIS happened –

Tired of earning LESS than everyone else?

Sick of wasting time on stuff that doesn’t result in more income?

I know how it feels to work your ass off and see little for it. I worked for MONTHS, making next to nothing in my business, and I mean working upwards of 20 hours a day. I gave away tons of free coaching, worked on my sales techniques, engaged with and grew my community, was extremely visible on social media, and gave up sleep more times than once. 

I was tired as hell, but I was also DETERMINED to win. So I worked, worked, and worked some more, and then ended up in the hospital as a result. 

What I learned from that experience was that, although I was doing all the right things, my mindset was ALL kinds of WRONG. What I believed about money was that – 

Money was only for those that worked 24/7
Money was only for those that never saw their family
Having lots of money meant you were greedy
Accepting money from someone was like stealing food from a baby’s mouth
It was impossible to make a lot of money in a short period of time

Can you see how this would COMPLETELY block me from receiving money? And even if I DID receive money, I would work my ass off to feel better about it, because making lots of money was, in my mind, tied to working constantly. Hence the burn out and hospitalization.

As strange as it sounds, I’m glad I landed myself in the hostpital that night because it forced me to really examine what was going on in my life that I could get to that point.

And I made a HUGE realization: It was all in my head. Everything I knew about money had me believing that making money was supposed to mean barely sleeping. (And sure, that’s the case ocassionally, but certainly not every single night!)

So I started doing A LOT of money mindset work to get myself in the ZONE for receiving huge sums of cash without working myself to death. I also had to work on my thoughts around making money = stealing food from a baby’s mouth. That was a hard one, but after awhile, I figured out what my problem was and I made the change necessary to now HELP put MORE food in that baby’s mouth!

Needless to say, once I changed my money mindset my business EXPLODED and making money became ridiculously simple. I now make THOUSANDS of dollars every single day and yes, it’s because of the strategies I use in my business, but it’s also because I changed the way I thought and felt about money.

If I can completely change my money mindset, so can you. I’m not any more special, talented or smart than you are. I just made the decision that I was sick of making the bare minimum and I was worthy of making MORE. 

Was it easy? No. Was it worth it? Absolutely. But you have to commit to making the change.