I never knew that THIS would come up in my journaling today… wow!

I never knew that THIS would come up in my journaling today… wow!

A lot of the time, when I do my daily journaling, I ask myself questions around what I really want – 

What do I REALLY want in life/business/my relationship with ____?
What would I be doing if I had _________?
What is my ideal lifestyle?
What can I do to ensure success today?
What DOES success look like to me? 

And the list goes on…

My journaling sessions almost always start with me asking myself a question

Anyway – 

Today I asked myself what I would be doing if I had all the money I needed (thanks to my mentor Kat for that question!), and yeah, I wrote down the usual stuff I’m striving for, such as my private jet, starting my animal sanctuary and even buying a whole new wardrobe.. but one thing that came up I wasn’t expecting was this:

Enroll the kids in private school.

I didn’t even realize I WANTED to enroll the kids in private school. 

But I DO hate the public school system and think it’s totally fucked, soooooo…

OBVIOUSLY, deep down, THIS is what I really wanted to do to give them a good shot in life! Of course, they could always be entrepreneurs and drop out of school like I did, and I would be totally cool with that, let’s be honest.. but I do want to give them as many opportunities to succeed as I can – 

And apparently private school is one of those opportunities!

And seeing as how that’s a high multi-six-figure investment for 2 kids, it’s something I need to have  A LOT of money for.

Which is FINE. I can do that. BUT, money needs to have a home. And I haven’t been giving my money for private schooling a home, because I didn’t know I WANTED private school for my kids! But now I do and I can get that set up and make it happen.

Ahhhh, the power of journaling.
The power of tuning in to YOU and your thoughts.
The power of trusting your intuition.
The power of taking massive action on your dreams.

I truly wish more people could experience how it feels to simply GET what you want. You GET what you repeatedly ask for, and let’s not kid yourself – 

You’re not repeatedly asking for what you want, are you? 

Sure, you might be asking.. maybe even asking more than once! But you’re definitely not ALL THE WAY IN, asking for what you want all day long, with every breath, every thought, every move you make. You’re just NOT. Because it’s exhausting. And who the hell wants to be exhausted all the time???? 

Answer? People who are serious about making their dreams come to life!

I use to think being exhausted was a bad thing.
That hustling all the time was gonna kill me (that’s what all the “experts” tell me, anyway!).
That I shouldn’t be so tired all the time.

Have you guys heard of a thing called coffee?
It’s GREAT! And it makes me want to hustle harder. I can’t believe I was so against it for so long. 

But honestly, Deana, I’m kind of fucking around a bit with you, but I want to make it perfectly clear that I’m serious about this

If you want something badly enough, you do not STOP until it’s yours. You don’t quit. You don’t take no for an answer. You don’t settle for something else. You GRIND IT OUT until you’re holding it in your hands (so to speak). 

If you want something badly enough, you don’t let exhaustion stop you. Take a short nap when you need it, sure – 


Because the second you stop, your dreams die.
Your passion dies.
Your success attitude dies. 

And you have to wake up, start over, and do it all again. And if you’re gonna do that, you may as well just stick with it the first time and see it through! 

You can’t focus on what you don’t have. Not only because it makes you feel like shit, but also because it stops the flow of __________ coming into your life (whatever it is you DO want to have: more money, a better relationship, a house you love).

Think about what you want.
Think about what you want.
Think about what you want. 

And then ask for it and take action ALL.DAY.LONG. until it’s yours!

This is TRULY all it takes.

Don’t forget – 

This is your time. Take action NOW.