There is no lack of money, only a lack of discipline.

There is no lack of money, only a lack of discipline.

It infuriates me to no end when someone complains they are broke, or don’t have “enough” money, because here’s the thing – 

You are choosing that as your reality. Whether you want to believe it or not, it’s true. You’re choosing to be broke and/or never having enough money to do what you want.

And you don’t get to complain if you’re the one who chose the thing you’re complaining about. That’s just ridiculous and makes me want to smack you. 🙂

Listen, it’s as simple as this: There is no lack of money. Seriously. There is SO MUCH fucking money available to you. You’re simply choosing not to take it. I don’t know why, but you’re avoiding asking for, and then receiving, the money you desire. 

This is usually for one of these reasons: 

1) You don’t know what you’d do with “that much” money.
2) You feel greedy/selfish, or you’re made to feel greedy/selfish from someone else, for wanting “that much” money.
3) You haven’t asked for it. 
4) You don’t believe it’s possible for you.
5) You have negative thoughts/feelings about money (usually because of something that happened in your past).

A lot of the time, you don’t even know that you’re rejecting money, but if you don’t have the money you want, that’s what’s happening. It’s not because you don’t know how to make money, it’s not because you aren’t good enough/worthy, it’s not because the universe is conspiring against you – 

It’s because you’re unintentionally turning money away.

This is why it’s SO freaking important that you pay attention to how you act around money: in it’s physical form, as well as in your thoughts. 

If you’re always saying that things are “expensive”, you’re rejecting money.
If you’re always seeing other people buy cars and boats and homes, etc., and thinking they are being “indulgent” or that they’re so selfish, you’re rejecting money.
If you’re always telling people (or yourself) how broke you are, you’re rejecting money.
If you’re always flinching at the sight of a price tag on something you want to buy, you’re rejecting money.

Of course you don’t do it on purpose. 

Of course you don’t WANT to act/think/believe this way about money. But.. you do. 

The good news? You can choose a new way to act/think/believe. You always have a choice! 

You can choose to feel rich. 

You can choose to act rich.

You can choose to think rich.

You can choose to BE rich.

And when you do? When you truly BELIEVE that you are worthy and that it is possible? That’s when you finally get to HAVE IT. 

Everything you desire is meant for you, regardless of the cost. Regardless of how “impossible” it seems. If you can see it in your mind, you can see it in your physical reality. You just need to believe. 

On top of that though (oh yes, there’s more!) – 

You have to be willing to do what it takes. 

Sometimes all it takes is believing. Sometimes all it takes is 1 or 2 simple actions. Sometimes all it takes is both. But most times? Most times all it takes is discipline. 

Discipline in how you believe. 
Discipline in how you act. 
Discipline in what you do. 
Discipline in how you react. 

You have to be disciplined.

What you choose to be disciplined in is what you will improve. Discipline is a HUGE part of success. 

I am disciplined with my daily journaling. 
I am disciplined with tracking my money.
I am disciplined with eating well.
I am disciplined with staying positive & high-vibe.
I am disciplined with engaging with my peeps daily.
I am disciplined with writing & creating every day. 
I am disciplined with being present with my family. 
I am disciplined with getting up early.
I am disciplined with how I choose to nourish my body.
I am disciplined with my empire growth.

I am fucking DISCIPLINED.

And that’s why I get the results that I do: with my money, my body, my energy.

It’s all about choice. What do you choose to be disciplined with?

If you want to have more money, and continue to MAKE and RECEIVE more money, you need to be – 

Disciplined with showing up every day online.
Disciplined with selling daily.
Disciplined with follow up.
Disciplined with growing your community.
Disciplined with writing & creating for your community every day.
Disciplined with coming up with new offers (and actually selling them).
Disciplined with setting money intentions every month, week, day.
Disciplined with journaling positive money affirmations daily.
Disciplined with tracking your money every day.
Disciplined with learning about money/sales/investing.

So please – 

Stop saying you’re broke. Stop saying you don’t have enough. Stop saying you can’t afford it. 

Just commit to being more disciplined and start acknowledging that the money IS there and available to you, just as soon as you’re ready to accept it

And always remember that there is no lack of money, only a lack of discipline to doing what’s necessary around having it.