I woke up a bit later than normal today and even though I was behind schedule, I still got into the groove pretty quickly and accomplished almost everything I needed to, and it got me to thinking that having a solid morning routine in place has really helped to streamline my life, accomplish more, and end the day on a good note. 

I thought I’d share what my mornings look like these days with the hopes that it will inspire you to incorporate a morning routine in your life. Because I’m not kidding when I say that having one is the BEST thing I did for my productivity!

Every morning I’m up around 5am and the first thing I do is open up my journal and write – 

  1. My intentions for the day (how I want to feel, money I want to receive, what I want to sell)
  2. My dream life as if I’m already living it (personal AND business stuff)
  3. Some of my money tracking (my net worth, cash received the day before, cash saved the day before, debt paid the day before)
  4. At least 10 things I’m grateful for (I’m currently doing a new gratitude practice where I’m also writing out WHY I’m grateful for these 10+ things)

I will also journal about things that are upsetting me, scaring me, frustrating me, etc. - and will ask myself questions about why this is happening and what I should do to get on the right track again (esentially coaching myself while I journal!).

Journaling is the very first thing I do every day, no matter what. It allows me to get everthing out of my head and gets me excited about the day. If I don’t journal, I feel naked. It’s a MUST DO, every morning.

Once I’m done journaling, I work on my money manifesto, which is basically me PAYING ATTENTION to my money so that I can GROW it! 

My income goals, money received, money out, net worth.. everything money (because what you focus on, GROWS).

Messaging comes next, which is exactly what I’m doing right now. 🙂

I really message ALL DAY LONG, in all of the content I put out into the world, but I make sure to do at least one “mega message”, which is a BIG piece of content. This could be a long email/blog/FB post or it would be a livestream or a video with a ton of value. And then throughout the day I sprinkle “mini messages” around the online space. 


All the money you want comes from your MESSAGE. When you share your message and it’s TRULY your message and what you know you need to share with the world, and when you do this from a place of service, you WILL make more money. It’s impossible not to.

Everything you put out into the world should have your message infused in it somehow. This is how you attract your DREAM clients that follow you, love you, brag about you, share your stuff, and ultimately, buy everything you put out there - because how can they NOT? They want to be a part of everything you create because they are so aligned with you and your message!

This is why messaging is a huge part of my day. It’s not just in the morning, it’s ALL day long, but I make sure to start the day with my sharing my message because it gets the ball rolling and gets me all fired up and into the zone.

Finally, I get into my first sales activity of the day. I aim for 10+ sales activities every single day - things that will allow me to bring in cash. 

Now, this is something I also do all day, but something that is a very important part of my morning routine for 2 reasons:

#1 - It forces me to get creative. What do I want to sell today? How many do I want to sell? At what price point? HOW can I sell them? During a livestream? Should I send an extra sales email? Should I record a video about this offer? Who can I reach out to privately about it?

#2 - It gets me into the groove for the rest of the day. Like I said, I sell all day long, and if I don’t start the day by doing SOME kind of sales activity, then the other activities I do the rest of the day won’t get the greatest results because I am just “checking it off the list” instead of being in the groove, or in “flow”. 

So - sales activity. Every morning. This could be messaging someone about an offer. It could be creating a new sales page. It could be coming up with a new offer idea. It could be sending a sales email. One activity (minimum), every single morning. 

By this point it’s usually time to get the kids up, everyone dressed and fed and then off to school. I’m back home by 9am and will work on content creation (for free or paid offers) and then I often have a few client calls until lunch.

Of course, my morning routine does vary from time to time, but for the most part, it’s the same and it’s the same because I make it a priority. I know that by having my morning routine in place, and sticking with it, that my day will go SO much smoother.

And if right now you can’t seem to get shit done – 

You can’t seem to do what you know you NEED to do to get the results you want – 

Then take a look at how you’re currently spending your time. I’m willing to bet it’s on a bunch of crap that’s not doing much in the way of helping you and improving your life. If it was, you wouldn’t be reading this. 🙂

And so everything you do during the day, and HOW you do it, depends on how well your morning went. 

Is your morning structured?
Do you have a plan for how you will start your days?
Do you actually know what you NEED to be focusing on each morning?
Are you wasting time?
Are you making excuses?

And the most important question of all – 

Are you willing to take action NOW and make over your mornings so you can move throughout your day with EASE and FLOW?

Because if you are, you can expect things to improve. BUT you’ve gotta make the decision and then ACT on it immediately. Do whatever you can NOW to set up tomorrow morning for success, and stay focused on making that morning routine happen every morning, no matter what. Because the rest of your day depends on it.

Don’t forget – 

Kick ass, take names, repeat – all day, and every day.