The story of my biggest failure

The story of my biggest failure

Earlier this year, I had a dilemma. 

I had hired a coach, my 4th one of the year, with the hopes of finally cracking the $100K/month goal I’d had set for myself since January. 

I thought I knew what I needed to do: Just do a big launch, DUH. That’s how everyone else does it, so that MUST be the answer. My coach agreed, as this is how he did all of his launches, as well, and they turned over big profits. 

So I went with it. 

I shot the video series.
I hosted the webinars.
I did the live calls.
I invested in the sales page design & copy.
I wrote the DOZENS of sales emails.
I paid for the Facebook ads.
I shared the program on social media. 

I even went with a super low price-point.

THIS WAS GONNA BE IT. I was going to hit that $100K for sure with this launch. I was doing everything right! My coach was so proud of me for checking off every one of the boxes on his list. 

I was exhausted, kind of annoyed and frustrated I had to go through all the hassle, but if I could hit my goal, I’d be proud of me, too.

Want to know what happened next?

Nothing, that’s what. 

Okay, so I shouldn’t say that. It wasn’t that NOTHING happened, it was that nothing BIG happened, which is what I was expecting. My coach was so sure this was the way to go, since it worked for him. But it didn’t work for me.

All the other big internet marketers SWORE to me that you had to follow all of the above steps, that this was the ONLY way to have a big launch. 

But the sales only trickled in (and when I say trickle, I really do mean it… I’m talking one sale a day or less for a program priced at under $100).

And I had to do this for a MONTH? (So said my coach and all these other internet marketers that appeared to be living the high life I so desired). By the end of week 1, I was so DONE talking about this program. I was irritated by it. Even though I was excited about it when I initially came up with the idea, now that I’d been “planning” for it to come to life for SO long, I was now bored of it. Didn’t ever want to talk about the damn thing again! 

But, my coach told me to keep going for the remaining 3 weeks of the launch. 


It was exhausting. I was always frustrated. Every day I was scared. Would I at least make enough to break even (answer: no)? Why was this so hard? How can everyone else make this work but I can’t? What am I doing wrong?

You know what I mean, right? Surely you’ve had similar launches!

In the end, I lost money because of what I’d invested into the sales page and Facebook ads. Plus, I’d lost at least a month of “preparing” for my launch and another full month of promoting the program I was honestly sick of talking about. Two months GONE, with very little to show for it.

I did the big, long launch because I thought I HAD to. 
I thought it was the only way to reach my goal.
I believed that if “everyone else” did it this way, then this MUST be the way I need to do it.

I was wrong. 

After that big launch, I vowed to myself to never do a big launch again because – 

a) I get bored too easily
b) They require too much effort 
c) I liked offering things more often (forcing myself to only talk about ONE program for almost 2 months straight - the tease and the launch - truly made me hate life)

Thankfully, since making that vow to myself, I’ve found another way

A way that allows me to create and sell as often as I want.
A way that allows me to offer more than one thing at a time (“confusing” your audience is a myth, they like variety!)
A way that gets me EXCITED to launch, not nervous and overwhelmed right out of the gate

I’ve since launched DOZENS of new programs, courses and other offers (you can find me launching some new almost weekly) and NONE of them have felt the way that earlier launch made me feel. 

I’ve tested many different launch methods and NONE of them have worked for me as the one I most recently discovered and the one I use now. 

  • I’m able to launch regularly, which means I’m able to CREATE often (it’s hard to stop a creative person from creating!).
  • I’m also able to sell regularly, because of everything I’m creating every day. (I’ve become a content MACHINE and I love it!)
  • And of course, now that I can create, launch, and sell mroe often, I am making money more often. 

Which means my money is GROWING. My impact and my income continue to go up every day. All because I discovered a way to launch and sell that actually fucking works

–> My launches often bring in five-figures and I’m THIS CLOSE to that big $100K lauch!
–> I’m selling new things almost weekly and creating the content for those offers happens SUPER FAST because I know how to create quickly.
–> I don’t typically launch longer than 10 days, often closer to 5 days, and am making sales on those launches almost daily!
–> I have attracted a tribe of raving fans that buy on repeat and join all of my programs and offerings.

In short, I’ve figured out a way to launch that – 

Feels good
Happens fast
Doesn’t take much effort
Results in sales, sales and more sales!

This is how I do ALL of my launches now, and why pretty much all of them get me results (they’re definitely not making me lose money anymore!).

When I launch something new each week, I have a process that I follow. I know exactly what I need to have in place before I launch, while I launch, even AFTER I launch. A checklist, so to speak, but one that’s in my head (maybe I should put it down on paper though!).

I can honestly create something and launch it, with a full sales page, pre-written emails, copy for social media, and everything else needed, within 24 hours or less (usually less, to be honest - I told you I like to work quickly!).

Because I know how to launch and sell quickly, I’m able to make more money quickly. 

It’s simple, really: 


Over and over.

It may sound exhausting, but it’s really not, because the launch itself is short and sweet! And what you’re creating is stuff you would be creating and putting out there for free anyway! 

The work you have to do for a 24-hour launch isn’t even close to what you’d have to do for one of those “other”  launches everyone else leads you to believe is best, AND it gets better results!

I know from experience that those launches just do not work as well as they claim to. Not for me, anyway. And probably not for you either, if you’re still reading! I’m sure you’ve experienced that disappointment of a launch that just FLOPPED, the time and money you lost from it, the fear you likely have of doing another launch because hell no, you don’t want to go through THAT again.