Do You Want To Ensure You NEVER Struggle With Money Again And Make MULTIPLE 6-Figures Each Year Or More?

Do You Want To Ensure You NEVER Struggle With Money Again And Make MULTIPLE 6-Figures Each Year Or More?

Show Me Exactly How To Sell Online So I Don’t Have To Struggle With Making Money Doing What I Love!

{I’m Going To Show You How To Create & Sell Offers That Will Make You Multiple 6-Figures Even If The Idea Of Selling Makes You Want To Puke…}

I’ve opened the doors to my 6-month mentorship program, 6-Figure Success Seekers, but unlike most coaching programs, this one isn’t about creating your “avatar”, creating a 3-day video series, or hosting challenges.

It’s about going a tad bit overboard (and feeling great about it) with special pricing, bonuses and payment plans that are SO damn good you’ll be begging me to let you sign up! 

I’m about to show you the fastest and the easiest way to sell online so you can get paid to be you and do what you love, without the need to avoid y our family for days and constantly chase down new clients, and I’m doing to do this by teaching you the strategy I used in my own business to do just that.

When you know how to sell, you make more money. 

More money = more good you can do in the world.
More money = more freedom for you and your family.
More money = happiness all around!

Now, before I get to the good stuff here, can I ask you a quick question?

Do you ever feel like it’s EXTREMELY hard to make money doing what you love?

Because you’ve been doing this for awhile now and you’re absolutely frustrated with your results so far.

I was frustrated for a long time. I was also confused, overwhelmed and nervous about everything I was doing in my business because it seemed as though no matter how hard I worked, how much I took on, money kept running from me. It was like I had to always CHASE it and it was always JUST out of reach.

I felt so guilty that I wasn’t making the money I wanted to make to provide a good life for myself and my family. It made me physically ill on more than one occassion (like that time I was admitted to the hospital because of a panic attack - all because I was stressed about money, yet again).

I thought I wasn’t cut out for this online business stuff.

I thought there was something really wrong with me. 

I thought I would always have to chase money and it would never be easy for me.

Do you look around at others who have the success you want and wonder what they have that you don’t, knowing that you, too, should be living that same VIP lifestyle?

Have you ever dreamt about taking more trips around the world (VIP style, of course)?

Have you ever day-dreamed about retiring your partner so you could both do what you love (and get paid for it)?

Tell me – 

How would it feel if you had the know-how, the exact BLUEPRINT (step-by-step), to become a PRO at sales, grow your business, and make more money online?

If you’d love that…

Then answer me this: 

Do You Want To Ensure You NEVER Struggle With Money Again And Make MULTIPLE 6-Figures Each Year Or More? Do You Have The Drive To Make That Happen?

Do you? 

Do you REALLY?

Maybe you just cut out to be an online entreprener. 

Online entrepreneurship is meant for people that are relentless and driven and willing to do WHATEVER it takes to get what they desire – 

Make the huge financial investments
Create content and offers on the regular
Deal with mindset issues that are holding you back..

It’s meant for those that are willing to endure the stressful times, the uncertainty –

Those who will take HUGE risks –

And also, those who are willing to make way more money than they ever dreamed possible. To make more money in a month than their friends make in an entire YEAR. To be living their dream VIP life, fully supported in every way, enjoying all that life has to offer them. Never again stressing about money.

Do you have the drive and the willpower to make this kind of life happen? 

If you do, keep reading. If you don’t, then stop reading and leave. There’s nothing here for you.

Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me?

I’m the mentor for badass men & women that dream big and have huge goals to achieve. 

I’m the person who gets messages at 2am from clients scared out of their mind about something so I can talk them off the ledge and give them EXACTLY what they need to get back on track to making money again.

I run my own successful consulting practice called Badass Boss (previously Babes in Business) where I coach online entrepreneurs how to make a lot of money online just by being themself and doing what they love, through 1:1 mentorships and group events (both online and offline).

Regarded as one of the 50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs in 2017 by Huffington Post, I’ve helped my clients generate millions of dollars combined, many earning a solid $350,000-$500,000 a year doing what they love, and spending 6 hours or less on their business each day.

To be perfectly blunt – 

I’m one of the best business mentors in the industry and I’ve got the chops to back that claim up! 

I’ve been called abrasive and “over-the-top”, which makes me laugh because OF COURSE I AM. I’m not here to sugar-coat anything for you. I’m here to show you how to make a lot of freakin’ money doing what you love, and sometimes that means I’m going to have to call you on the bullshit you’re doing that’s holding you back from getting what you want.

It’s fun for me to be controversial and a bit crazy. 

Life is fun for me in general, actually! I get to travel the world in VIP style, spend days at a time playing around on social media, writing about whatever I feel like, speaking my mind, taking selfies and doing work that feels NOTHING like what I remember work to be like when I was in a traditional 9-5!

Things weren’t always this amazing though…

I was broke for most of my life. 

My parents have been broke for most of their lives.

Everyone around me seemed to be broke and so I just accepted it as normal. 

Even though I knew, deep down inside of me, that I was born for more. I was put on earth to do big things. I was meant to be a successful multi-millionaire living a luxury VIP lifestyle.

But I just accepted that it wasn’t gonna happen for me for a very long time. 

And then all of these things started happening that made me doubt myself – 

Like the one time I was about 13 years old, and my family couldn’t even afford groceries for the week and I was so depressed and STARVING that I did something I’m embarassed to even admit.. 

Something that was SO terrible, it makes me sick to my stomach to think about. 

I took a Unicef box that I’d received from school, the ones that were meant to collect donations for the rights of children around the world, I went door to door collecting donations and then I stole the money. 

We were so broke I had to steal from children to buy groceries! 

How fucked up is that? 

I remember getting a $20 donation from one person (when previous donations were around only $1 or $2) and thought I’d won the lottery, even though the money was not meant for me.

(I’ve since donated thousands of dollars to this company to make up for my terrible decisions as a child!)

The next day, after I’d spent all of the stolen money on groceries, I kept re-playing the scene in my head. Those people handing their hard-earned money over, that they wanted to donate to children, and me taking that money to the store and buying bread, chips and pickles.

I started crying. 

I pictured the faces of those people and the tears just flowed.

“I’m sorry”, I said, as I buried my head into my pillow, where I proceeded to cry for a good 30 minutes before my mom called me upstairs for a sandwhich, using the bread I paid for with stolen money.

I felt like the worst person in the world. Something happened to my brain that day, when I realized enough was enough. No more struggling. No more STEALING from others, no more living this life of pain and fear and uncertainty.

I was DONE.

I knew there was more to life than the one I was living. I made a promise to myself that I was going to turn things around once and for all. Not just for my family, but for MYSELF. For my own future family. 

I remember staying up way too late that night brainstorming ways I could make more money and turn my life around. I was DETERMINED. And I was READY! Nothing was going to stop me. 

Nothing Can Stop You If You’re DONE And Determined To Turn Things Around!

And right now, YOU are the one that’s absolutely DONE.

You’re done with others doubting you and questioning your sanity, you’re done with always having to chase the money instead of it coming in easily and effortlessly every day, you’re done with the BS tasks you’ve been doing every day that clearly aren’t helping you. 

YOU are the one that’s determined to turn things around.

And you know what you need to do next:

Taking the reins, being in control of your life again, and making enough money online that you NEVER have to worry about money ever again!

Can I ask you a question?

Have you ever asked yourself this – 

“I see so many other people making a ton of money online and it seems to easy for them, how are they doing that? Why is it so easy for them and so hard for me?

It seems like they sell out all of the spots in their program almost overnight, their events are always full and they keep sharing photos of them travelling in private jets and vacationing on private islands. I want that! How come I can’t seem to figure out how to make it happen?”

You’ve probably asked yourself that question a few times, right?

It’s a great question and one I’ve asked myself a bunch of times, too. 

And what I’ve learned is what I’m going to share with you now – 

I’ve started multiple businesses that eventually failed, including a baking company (for cupcakes, specifically), a photography business, and a food blog.

They all excited me when I started, but in the end, it was a big ol’ CRASH AND BURN for those businesses. 

Because I didn’t know then what I know now… 

Which is that I was focusing on all of the wrong things. I was wasting my time on stuff that other people told me was important, but just wasn’t. 

And despite how successful I am today, please know that I am not any different, nor am I smarter or any better than you. I’m just a chick who decided to go for it and do what I needed to do to live the life of my dreams. 

All because of this one thing – 

The one thing that will allow someone like you to travel business class or better (EVERY time), to buy your dream home on the water, to retire your partner, and to have the freedom & fun you’ve always wanted, with enough money in the bank that you never have to work another day again in your life (not that what you do will feel like work, anyway).

The one thing that stopped me from stealing from others and instead GIVING in large amounts.

The one thing that basically allowed me to get paid to be me! 

The one thing that has also allowed me to – 

- Help my clients generate multiple millions of dollars
- Travel to over a dozen locations in the last year
- Spend my days doing only what I love
- Gift my Dad a vehicle he so desperately needed
- Buy MYSELF an $80K vehicle I dreamed about owning for over a decade (coming up with the full $80K in 2 months)
- Do work that doesn’t feel like work at all, while traveling the globe with my family and friends
- Show others how to do the same and have the same kind of freedom

Want to know what the one thing is?

Here Is That One Thing You Need To Know…

There is no lack of money, only a lack of creativity. 

In other words – 

You can have ALL of the money you want and more if you decide to get creative. 

If you decide to go all in on your desires.

If you get out of your own way, learn the strategies that will actually make you more money, and then implement like a mofo.

It really doesn’t matter how good you think you are. It also doesn’t matter if you have the best damn program or course on the market. If you aren’t employing the right sales strategies, you’re gonna fail.

So even if you’re spending time on – 

Creating new offers
Posting on social media
Hosting daily livestreams
Writing daily emails
Selling every day, even!

IT DOESN’T MATTER and it’s a WASTE OF TIME, because you’re not doing those things with the right sales strategies in mind

Listen – 

There are only 3 things you need to do in order to be successful and make money online – 

1) Share your message with the masses (visibility)
2) Create tons of content every day that you can sell
3) Sell said content to your audience 

Most people can do #1 and #2, but #3 is where most people fail. 


Because sales is like baking. It only works if you do it properly and follow the directions to a T.

There are MANY coaches out there feeding you lies about how sales should be done their way, or even worse, telling you that selling isn’t as important as showing up. 


Sales is THE most important skill to learn if you want to make money, and especially if you want to make A LOT of money, and you want to make it on repeat, day after day.

And even though you could follow all 3 of those steps every day, spending HOURS on getting them done, if you’re not tacking the sales bit properly, it’s not going to work. Eventually you’ll get to the point of “why bother?” and you’ll just quit and give up all together, suck it up, and go get a “regular” job. 

That’s not what I want for you, and I know that’s not what you want for yourself.

What matters most is SALES and the words you use to make those sales.

You don’t have control over much, but how you SELL and how you speak to your audience IS something you can control. And control it you must!

Get control of your sales strategies and you’ll start making a TON more money, and your audience will buy from you on repeat! Don’t get control of your sales strategies, and you’ll continue struggling with money. 

This is EXACTLY why most people fail: Because they put everything else above sales, when in fact sales is what matters more than anything!

Let me repeat that – 

Sales Is What Matters More Than Anything

All of the smart, successful, rich marketers in the world know this. 

That’s why they’re the ones making the big bucks and you’re not. You simply haven’t accepted it as a truth.

Their fancy website, their funnels, their Facebook ads – 

They all came AFTER they learned how to sell effectively

I don’t care how good your program is. I ain’t buying it if you don’t first explain to me why the hell I need it and how it’s going to help me, and you do so in a way that makes me scream HELL YES! and whip out my credit card faster than all Canadians will when Justin Trudeau announces that pot is now legal and you can buy it online.

Don’t be like everyone else who is struggling to make a lot of money online. 

Be better. MUCH better!

Imagine how good it will feel to make money with ease and flow EVERY DAY, take off on a trip any time you feel like it, pick up the tab for a dinner out with friends, invest in a private chef and a nanny for the kids, and to do all of this without ANY financial stress or worry

All because you now know and have implemented these proven strategies that make you work smarter, cut out the BS, and have money rolling in on auto-pilot every single day…