This is how I made $6,954 in only 3 days…

This is how I made $6,954 in only 3 days…

Since manifesting is such a hot topic lately, I want to share with you one of my favorite manifesting stories – how I manifested $6,954 in just 3 days.


Back in July of last year, my husband and I were planning a trip to Banff, Alberta and one of the things I said I wanted was to rent an Escalade to drive around in (I’m not a car person, but I have a thing for huge SUVs).


Except huge SUVs were $850 for the 3 days we would use one, when a regular car was around $200, so my husband quickly vetoed that idea.


But I was adamant, so I told him it needed to happen. Reluctantly he says “okay fine, if you can make… $4,000 in 3 days (thinking this will be hard for me), we’ll rent one”.


By the afternoon of day 3 I was sitting at $6,954.




Because I wanted that SUV. I knew it was mine. I could see myself driving it. I felt what it would feel like to be sitting inside, driving around gorgeous Banff.


Of course, I also hustled my ass off. I did lots of follow up and outreach and promoted my current programs and offerings until I hit my goal (and then some). I made it happen.


We didn’t get an Escalade because the rental company was all out of SUVs, but I did end up with this sexy beast of a truck and although it was a bitch to park, I loved every second of being in that thing.


My husband has never doubted my ability to manifest money again.


And neither have I.


If there’s something you really want, whether that’s money, a vacation, a new vehicle, or even a husband, know this: if you believe it strongly enough, and you add in some hustle with that belief, you will get what you want.


So tell me, what are you dreaming of? Go out there and get it!