The people you need to ELIMINATE from your life right now

The people you need to ELIMINATE from your life right now

Right now there are people in your life telling you that you’re not good enough.

Telling you that your dreams are stupid, impossible to achieve, irresponsible to even consider. 

Most of the time, they say these things in the slightest of ways, so it’s almost hard to even detect the negativity and doubt.

But it’s there. 

And it’s important to REMOVE these people from your life so you can focus on your goal and make shit happen for yourself.

Having those energy-drainers is going to hold you back from everything you’re working so hard for right now.

Hearing that you’re not good enough, that you’re crazy, that what you want to achive in your life is impossible, that shit is gonna weigh you down and hold you back FOREVER.

And even though you may not be able to completely eliminate all of the energy-drainers from your life (your parents, for example), you can definitely limit the time you spend around them. 

Spending time with, or following people that are negative, judgemental and condescending is going to wreak havoc on your mindset and put you into a state of DOUBT and FEAR.

Two things you do NOT want to be feeling if you want to impact millions, make incredible money, and live a happy life.

No matter who you are
No matter what you’ve done
No matter where you live
No matter who you know
No matter what you say

There will ALWAYS be people in your life that don’t believe in you. 

That’s the bad news. 

The good news is that having those people in your life, if only for a short while, they give you the energy you need to keep going, even if just to PROVE THEM WRONG.

I know that for me, one of the best things I can hear is someone telling me that I can’t do something, because it just makes me want to do it THAT much more, just so I can rub it in their face. 🙂

Regardless of whether or not you THINK you have these people in your life, know that you probably do and don’t even realize it. And even if you don’t right now, let me tell you – 

You WILL. 

But here’s the good thing: These people usually come into our life to teach us a lesson. That could be to evaluate our current relationships and eliminate the people from our life that are holding us back. 

It could also be to give us permission to really work on our mindset and do what needs to be done to prove these people, and likely outselves, wrong.

Because when you have the right MINDSET, you can achieve just about anything. And when you have the WRONG mindset? Well, the opposite is then true.

So get the energy-drainers out of your life, focus on YOUR goals and dreams (no matter how “crazy” or “impossible” they may seem), work on your mindset, put your head down, and do the work.

Because NOTHING can stop you or get in your way.