You’ve pissed me off and I’m about to let you have it!

You’ve pissed me off and I’m about to let you have it!

Every day you have a choice. You can continue to sleep in your warm, cozy bed, or you can wake up and chase your dreams.

Chasing your dreams isn’t fun. The end goal is fun, but the process is a real bitch.

You struggle
You fail
You lose
You hurt
You’re tired
You’re scared
You’re always ON

But that end goal, that destination you want to end up, THAT is what you need to focus on, because the process won’t get you out of bed in the morning. The end goal will. And if it doesn’t, it’s not the right goal. 

Each person on this earth was born with a gift they’re supposed to share with the world. The sad reality is that most people not only avoid sharing their gift, but avoid living at all. They’re just surviving

Going to work at a shitty job you can’t stand, missing out on time with your family, living somewhere you don’t love, and even more, HATING your life most of the time. This is the unfortunate reality for some people and it no longer makes me sad, but instead it makes me angry. Really fucking angry.

I’m angry that you’re not putting yourself first.
I’m angry that you’re complaining all the time.
I’m angry that you’re only just EXISTING.

I’m angry that you’re throwing your hands up in the air and saying “oh well”, instead of trying to figure out how to get what it is you actually want. I’m angry that you’ve given up. It pisses me off that you don’t think you’re worthy enough to live your dream life.

I’m really fucking mad about that!

Your gifts are needed. 
Your talents are being wasted.
Your life has so much LIVING left to live.

Right now you’re feeling like this business of yours might have been a mistake. That maybe your idea was only good in your head. I know you’re feeling scared, wondering where your next client is going to come from, and if you’re going to have to get another job to pay your bills. 

You’re second guessing yourself. You’re considering giving up. You’re STOPPING, dead in your tracks, ready to throw in the towel and go back to that shitty 9-5, just so you have some “security” (which you don’t TRULY get with any job except one you provide for yourself, by the way).

Feel that fear. Be scared for a few minutes. And then snap the fuck out of it and get back to work. You have an empire to build! 

Feeling scared about your business? Unsure? Nervous? Confused? Here’s what you need to do – 

Step #1: Write down a list of 10 things you’re amazing at.
Step #2: Write down a list of 10 ways you can help people.
Step #3: Write down a list of your 5 best qualities.

Step #4: Write down a list of 10 nice things people have said about you.
Step #5: Read these 4 lists every day for at least the next 60 days (longer if necessary).
Step #6: Join is in Babes in Biz to learn EXACTLY how to grow your business into your six-figure empire! 

GO NOW >> (only $5 for your first month!)

Remember, only YOU dictate how your life is gonna go. Do you want to merely survive? Or do you want to really LIVE life to the fullest?

It’s your call, but I can guarantee that going for what you truly WANT and desire in life will always lead to a happier life.