If you really 



Looked at yourself in the mirror and said “I’ve fucking GOT this” – 

Would you believe yourself? Or laugh and be all “yeah, yeah, sure you do, big shot”?

I know that for me, that confidence has always been inside of me. I always knew I was meant for HUGE things, I was meant to be super rich, I was meant to shake the world, I was meant to inspire MILLIONS with my message. 

But I’m human – 

And so I get scared, I get frustrated, I feel uncertain about things…

And I pick myself the fuck UP and get on with it anyway!

Now, I’d be lying if I said I was perfect. I’m far from it. There are times when I sleep in too late, I watch a bit too much “Longmire” and “The Walking Dead”, even just NOW I spent 10 minutes getting distracted by text messages and a Snapchat message – 

Sometimes I just delay delay DELAY getting the shit done I know needs to get done.

It happens. It’s life - messy, raw, real – 

And so I’m sharing it with you to let you know that you aren’t expected to be perfect, either. You can’t be. It’s OKAY.

But what’s not okay is you sitting there making EXCUSES about why you haven’t done what you need to do to get the results that you want. That shit won’t fly here. Not on my watch!

Just know that what you want is real. What you want is FOR YOU. And most importantly, what you want is POSSIBLE.

But you have to do the work!

You have to show up daily and do what is necessary.

You can’t slack off! You can’t make excuses! You can’t SAY NO to your dreams!

Because the only one that suffers when you do that, is you. 

There is a PROCESS, and it’s called DOING THE WORK. Perhaps you’ve heard me talk about it from time to time. 🙂

Don’t underestimate the power of getting down in the trenches and making shit happen! You need to. It’s what is necessary. And you know what, it can even be FUN. It should be fun, in fact. If it’s not fun, then clearly you aren’t in alignment with what the fuck you want in life – 

So let’s do a little test, shall we?

Write down a list of 10 things you WANT to create in your life in the next 2 months. From business, to money, to relationships, to mindset, to fitness, to family/parenting, to home life, to ANYTHING. 

Write down that list and then ask yourself – 

Why the FUCK haven’t I been able to achieve these things yet?

And do you want to know the answer? I know it. 🙂 

The answer why is because you don’t truly BELIEVE that you can, in fact, have everything you’ve ever wanted

You CAN have the perfect relationship with your partner
You CAN be the most fun Mom on the block
You CAN be in the best physical shape of your life
You CAN make millions of dollars yearly
You CAN have a team of people fully supporting you in your life and business

It’s all about your mindset. It’s all about getting to a place where you know that, without a doubt, everything you’ve ever wanted is already YOURS, you just haven’t received it yet, but it’s on it’s way to you.

You need to GET that.

I remember learning about mindset almost 2 years ago and how important it was to have the “right” money mindset if I wanted to increase my income in my business, and I thought it was a load of CRAP. So I ignored it for months.

But my coach was persistent and eventually I agreed to try out a mindset practice for a week and see what happened.

And the rest, as they say, is history… 🙂

Of course, there were some bumps in the road – 

I had to try and try and try again, to find a mindset practice that truly worked for me, and helped me to reach my money goals a lot quicker. (There is a lot of really shitty advice around money mindset out there!) 

After months and months of trial and error, I finally developed a money mindset practice that allows me to generate multiple tens of thousands of dollars every month with ZERO strategy involved. Sure, strategy is important, but MINDSET TRUMPS ALL.

I noticed that once I implemented this money mindset practice that my income increased almost immediately, but more than that, I was less stressed out, I was more in tune with my message and how I wanted to help people, and I was actually having FUN in my business, which hadn’t been happening for quite awhile!

I’m so grateful that my coach continued to push the “mindset stuff” on me, because without it, I’d still be making just a few hundred dollars a month, completely miserable and hating life!

I know from experience that mindset is the single most important thing of all. Without the right money mindset, you are going to encounter many hardships in your finances and it’s going to be difficult for you to make the money you want to be making. 

When you have the right mindset practice in place, there’s nowhere your income level can go but UP!