You really need to hear this today

You really need to hear this today

It makes me so sad when people tell me they’re doing to “wait” on their dreams. 

Waiting until they have the money
Waiting until they have more time
Waiting until they get one more client
Waiting until their website is finished
Waiting until the kids are older 

They just sit around and fucking WAIT. And it’s depressing and lonely and honestly makes me sad and to be honest with you, really fucking angry that these people aren’t taking action on what it is they want in their lives

Don’t have the money? That’s bullshit. We find the money for things we need. You bought those clothes you’re wearing, you bought the food in your fridge, you bought that car that you drive and the gas you put in it.

You needed those things, so you found the money to pay for them. And you’re telling me you can’t find the money to fund your dreams, something you NEED to do if you’re ever going to be truly happy? Don’t give me that shit. 

There are plenty of ways to find the money for the things you want and need. Any time a money excuse comes up, it’s not usually about lack of money, but lack of belief. Deep down, do you really BELIEVE your dream life is possible? I’m guessing no, otherwise you likely would have made it happen by now.

Do some serious mindset work around why you don’t belief what you want is within your reach, and then CLEAR THAT SHIT as quickly as possible, because I’m here to tell you that anything you wish for is possible! (And that’s not some wishy-washy statement, it’s the truth.)

Don’t think you have enough time? But you have enough time for the crappy job you’re working right now to pay the bills and you’re letting THAT stop you from doing what you truly want to be doing with your time?

If you have to spend 7pm-12am working on your business after your day job, that’s what you need to do. The more you do that, the quicker you make enough money to quit your soul-sucking job and go full-time at your own business that you LOVE.

The new client? They aren’t coming. Not now, not tomorrow, not next week. Not until you smarten the fuck up and get the work done. Clients don’t magically fall into your lap.

You have to know what you’re doing in order to find and sign on new clients, and it’s likely you DON’T know what you’re doing, otherwise you wouldn’t be complaining about needing to find “one more client” before you get SERIOUS about your business.

And as for the website, you do know a website is 100% NOT necessary to making a shit-ton of money, right? A website is a “nice-to-have”, not a “must-have”. Sure, you want one, but right now you need to focus on sales, money, CASH in the bank. And you’re not making money by having a fancy website you blew $5K on.

You’re making money by learning the ins and outs of getting your message out there, being visible, creating offers, and selling the shit out of those offers. At that point, you can worry about your website. Right now, the only thing you need to worry about is how to get SALES.

And by the way, using your kids as an excuse to not realize your full potential and live your dream life is a total fucking cop-out. You think your kids want to hear you bitching and complaining about your life and how you wish things were different?

What kind of example are you setting for them by NOT going after what it is you say that you want? That’s just bad parenting. You want your kids to be happy and do whatever they want to in life, right? Then why aren’t you showing them HOW to do that by being a role-model for them?

Excuses are just that - excuses. And they will never, EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER - help you. They will only hold you back.

And the more excuses you make, the harder it is to stop making them, which only prolongs the agony of living a life you’re not truly in love with.

You need to be ballsy here. You need to take control of your life. And you need to step the fuck up and do what is NECESSARY to be, do and have what you want. NO MORE EXCUSES. You are in power now. You call the shots. You are making this happen and nothing or no one is going to get in your way. Not now, not ever!