Get out of the sandbox if you aren’t ready to play!

Get out of the sandbox if you aren’t ready to play!

Enough is enough with the wandering around aimlessly. 

If you’re not ready to really WIN at this game of entrepreneurship – 

If you’re not ready to give it your ALL – 

If you’re not ready to be the BEST – 

Get the fuck out of the sandbox. Go and get a “regular” job and live like the normals: dreading Monday, praying for Friday and spending each day wishing they were doing exactly the opposite than they’re doing in that moment. 

Listen – 

If you weren’t born to be an entrepreneur, you just weren’t born to be an entrepreneur. THAT’S OKAY. Stop trying to be someone you’re not. You may very well live a normal life that you love. You may enjoy being normal and just like everybody else. It’s possible that that’s your thing. 

It’s not my thing though, and I don’t associate with people who enjoy that kind of life, so it’s probably best to unsubscribe, unfollow, unlike, straight up IGNORE everything you hear from me because you won’t like it, nor will it resonate with and help you. 

I can’t help anyone that isn’t already IN IT. 

You just KNOW deep within your gut that this life you’re living is the one you’ve been striving for. Sure, it may not be perfect and you’re probably nowhere near where you want to be (and let’s be honest: you likely won’t ever be there because your goals will just keep getting BIGGER), but you KNOW that this work you’re doing?

What you’re spending your time on right now?

Is what you LOVE. Is what you’ve always wanted. 

You just want to dial things up a notch and take them to the next level, yes? 🙂 

So here’s what you need to know, and exactly what you need to do in order to take yourself and your life/business to the next level – 

Remember that it’s a game. 
Remember that it’s also LIFE. 
And remember that they both can be FUN.

It shouldn’t be so fucking hard! It shouldn’t be so complicated! You shouldn’t be feeling as low as you feel right now! 

Step out of that funk, badass, I’m gonna guide you in the right direction of the kind of life that makes you scream “OMG! IS THIS REAL LIFE RIGHT NOW?!” every time you open your eyes in the morning. 


Get off your high horse. 

Stop acting like you know it all because you don’t, you can’t, you won’t. 

Accept that you need help. Accept that you’re not the best at EVERYTHING. And embrace what you are the goddamn shit at! 

Could I help my followers with Facebook Ads? Graphic Design? YES! But would I? Hell no! Because I’m not the best at those things. I offer support on the subjects I feel like the best at: sales, content, launching, writing – 

Everything else? Either doesn’t get done or someone on my team will do it for me. 

YOU ARE THE BEST AT WHAT YOU DO. You are NOT the best at everything. Get clear on the tasks you’re doing daily that you shouldn’t be, and eliminate them from your daily flow.


Come to play, don’t come to watch.

There are so many scared people standing on the sidelines, watching everyone else kill it online and live incredible lives, do what they love, and make incredible money. 

They won’t jump in and join them because they’re SCARED – 

Scared they’ll fail
Scared they’re not good enough
Scared that no one will care or like them
Scared thar this bad thing will happen, or that bad thing, or this bad thing..

Bad shit happens all the time. That’s called being an entrepreneur. Things blow up in your face on the regular. You need to wipe yourself clean and move the fuck on. 

You get knocked down, you get back up. 

Deal with it. 

You don’t NOT play because you’re scared. That’s what the normals do. 🙂 You get up, and you DO. Every damn day. Whether you feel like it or not. Whether it’s hard or not. Whether you’re scared or not. 

You just DO. 

Because really, you can’t NOT. It’s in your blood to keep moving forward. It’s a part of who you are at a soul level. You LOVE the rush. You love the push! So you just DO. 


Listen to your gut. 

Your gut never EVER steers you wrong, when it comes to everything in your life. Pay attention to what it’s telling you to do. 

Should you spend time with that person?
Should you make that investment?
Should you buy that item?
Should you go to that place?
Should you charge that price?
Should you create that offer?
Should you say that thing?

Before taking any action, stop for a second and pay attention to what your gut is saying. What is it trying to tell you is the best move? 

Whatever that move is: 

Do that. Even if it seems crazy, or you get scared, or you’re feeling overwhelmed. Listen to your gut, your internal compass. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed. 


Don’t forget to PLAY!

You are in the sandbox afterall. 😉 

There is no life without play, so make sure you’re doing things every single day that make you happy. 

Write down a list of 30+ things you can do, things you really love, that are a lot of fun, that make you insanely happy, and then each day, pick at least 1 thing from your list (MINIMUM) and do it! 

Sure, your work is fun. Your business is fun. Your clients is fun. 

But how can you make it all even MORE fun? 

I like to sneak in pedicures during the week. Getting food delivered so I don’t have to cook. Watching Netflix while I eat lunch. Sing karaoke during the day (nice and loud). Sit by the window and watch the rainstorm (no matter how many people tell me this is unsafe, I will continue to do it!).

Fill your cup. Make YOU happy first. Only then can you truly improve the lives of others.

The point I really want to make to you today is this – 

You can be, do and have what you want. This is true. But the sad fact is, most people will never experience what it’s like to be, do and have what they desire because they’re too caught up in the “how”, too caught up in the “what if?”, too caught up in the FEAR that it may never happen.

So they suffer through life. They are resentful. They are unhappy (even though they put on a smile and act like they’re not). 

This doesn’t have to be you. This doesn’t have to be your life. You can choose, right now, to turn EVERYTHING around and actually – 


Just decide. And then do. 

I’ve got your back.