I used to think I had to hide my imperfections. I had to pretend I was better at things than I actually was.

I’ve even held back asking my mastermind sisters for help because I wanted them to think I knew what the fuck I was doing with everything, at all times. 

I’ve lied. Said I was awesome when I was struggling. Said I was excited when I was scared. 

My shit is that I want everyone to think I’ve always got my shit together.

The truth?

I NEVER have my shit together.

I never know what the day will hold. 
I never know if I will get done what I want to get done.
I never know if I will hit my goals or fail miserably. 
I never know how things will go.

I thrive in the chaos. I don’t WANT to be organized and know what’s gonna happen next. Truth be told, I enjoy not having my shit together. Because it forces me to be creative and think on my feet. My lack of control gets me into the zone

Chaos + hustle = productivity, baby! 

But I still

For some reason

Some really RIDICULOUS reason

Don’t like people to think I don’t actually have it all together. (Now you know!)

That’s my shit.

We all have our shit. 

The shit that drives us, that works for us, but the shit we try to hide. Because deep down, we just want to be the best we can be, we want others to think we’re perfect, that we have all the answers. 

But I don’t. 
You don’t. 
No one does. 

And that’s, truly, what your community wants from you anyway. To admit who you are and more importantly, who you’re not. 

Me? I’m crazy, cluttered, my life is chaotic and 99% of the time, I’m outta my mind. By choice. Because that’s how I work best. Under pressure? Yes please! Tight deadlines? Please!! (Give me 2 months to get something done and I’ll still do it the morning it’s due.)


Who are you?

What is your shit? Tell the world. Today. Right now. Open yourself up and tell us: WHO ARE YOU AND WHO ARE YOU NOT. Filter out the people that don’t vibe with who you are. Because they shouldn’t be ALLOWED in your space anyway. They shouldn’t be WELCOMED.

Fuck this “everyone is welcome” bullshit. Everyone is NOT welcome. In fact, MOST people are NOT welcome. If you don’t vibe with me, and who I am, what I believe and what I stand for, then you shouldn’t be here. Do yourself (and me) a favor and piss off. 

Let’s be real, here. You’re going to lose followers every day, for a variety of reasons. Might as well leave those that just aren’t for YOU. Why are you entertaining people that are probably talking shit behind your back anyway? Why bother? 

The best part about having your own business?
Running it how you want.
Being the BOSS. 
Being in CHARGE. 
Saying HELL YES or HELL NO to those that try to enter your space.

The real way to be a leader and build a business that feels good, that makes an impact, that makes big time money? 

BE YOU. Filter NOTHING. And sometimes that will be hard, especially when you’re really fired up about something ( I just deleted the word FUCK from a sentence I just wrote above because I was telling myself I’d said that word too much already…. to which I politely told my brain to fuck off and put it back in 🙂 ). But necessary, it is. 

You want to attract those that love you for you. 
You want to attract those that hear you loud and clear. Who listen. 
You want to attract those who you have similar beliefs to. 
You want to attract those who get you, understand you, feel like you’re the same person.

Your community, your tribe, your peeps. 

They just want you. 

So dump your shit at the door and remember we love you for who you are NOW, not who you once were or who you think we want you to be. 

It’s you. 
It’s always been you. 
It will always BE you. 

You really CAN step up and be yourself. You can do things YOUR way. 

And isn’t that what you really want anyway? 

Guess what? You can have it all. Just ask for it, take it, and then ask for MORE. Because what you want? Is meant for you, and more!

And don’t forget – 

This is your time. Take action NOW.