Show up, be you, get paid, make a difference, change the world & live life on YOUR terms

Show up, be you, get paid, make a difference, change the world & live life on YOUR terms

Let go of your idea of perfect. Perfect doesn’t exist. 

Just start. Just go. Just leap!

Your wings will appear before you hit the ground, as they always do. Think about the last time you leaped and took a risk on something. It all worked out the way it was supposed to, right? You didn’t die. You didn’t end up homeless. Your life wasn’t ruined. 

Your wings appear on the flight down. They can’t be created before you jump.


The perfect you is the imperfect you. 

Perfection is scary to us, anyway. You seem fake. You seem like you’re trying WAY too hard. Trust me, we can tell that you are. And no one likes that. It’s a total turn-off. We will see your phony perfection and run in the other direction, FAR away from you. 

You need to be relatable if you ever want anyone to pay attention to, listen to, buy from, you. And your imperfections allow you to do that. 🙂

Seeking perfection stalls you – 

Holds you back – 

Pins you down.

Allow the message to flow, as it must. Do the work which is inspired, not which you think is a “must”.

Ignore any thought of how things “should” be, and instead focus on the thoughts of how you FEEL you must move forward. Your thought and feelings will lead the way, and they always lead you the right way, if you are following the flow. Trusting your GUT. Listening to and acting on your intuition.

Step into the flow.
Feel the flow.
Embrace the flow.

Look only for the flow and act from that place.

If you follow the flow, you’ll find what it is you’re looking for so desperately. The thing you’ve been trying to “get” for YEARS now. The thing that just seems so unattainable. So hard. So far away. The flow will lead you there. Follow it. 

You can’t find the flow from “trying”, you can only find the flow from “being”. No to-do list, no strategy, no blueprints are necessary. You already know what to do. You have all of the answers inside of you. The problem is that you won’t listen in. You won’t acknowledge them. 

You keep going outside of yourself to find the answers, which is the opposite of what you need to do. Go within. Listen. Take inspired action.

Show up, be you, get paid, make a difference, change the world with your words, and live life on YOUR terms.

That means no more doing shit you hate. Delegate it or drop it altogether. Let it go. 

That means no more following any damn rules. Just show up every day and do what you want (seriously).

That means no more searching outside of yourself for the answers that will only come when you go within and do that internal work.

That means – 


It’s time to step up and take things to a whole new level! 

Find the flow, follow it, act on it, LIVE it – 

And watch your life evolve into everything you’ve ever dreamed.