Here’s how to SHOW UP & BLOW UP online!

Here’s how to SHOW UP & BLOW UP online!

The naysayers.
The critics.
The non-believers. 

Are a part of everyone’s lives. They are always there, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to tear you down. Crush your dreams and your spirit. 

But none of that matters. What they believe doesn’t matter, what they say doesn’t matter – 

So ignore it. 

You don’t need to prove them wrong. That’s not your job. Instead, prove yourself RIGHT. 

You know you were born for this, you know this is what you were put on this earth to do, you know that this is your calling. So prove it. 

How are you showing up every day? Are you putting yourself in front of the right people? Are you giving them what they want and need? Are you being of SERVICE? Are you asking for the sale so you can serve them even more? 

Prove to yourself you’ve got what it takes to take your business (and your life) to the next level.

Because let’s be honest here – 

Most people will never succeed in life. They may be good at what they do, they may have the passion and drive, they may check all the boxes of the shit they’re “supposed to” do and have and be. But they don’t succeed. Not the way they want to, anyway. 

Most people simply don’t have what it takes. I know that may sound harsh, but it’s the truth. Of the 10,000+ people in my community, over half of you will never succeed.

You will go through life just getting by. Not fully LIVING. And that honestly makes my heart hurt because I know just how possible and just how easy it really is to succeed in life and business

I know because I’ve been there, I’ve done it myself. And I’m still doing it. 

Years ago I was over $20K in debt and was making next to no money. My husband was worried we were going to have to move back in with our parents. I was at rock-bottom.

I know what’s it’s like to have no money in the bank, to have people calling and asking for their money you borrowed, to having to use coupons to buy shitty, processed food because you didn’t have the cash to pay for healthy groceries.

I know what it’s like to feel like you’ve really fucked up and you don’t know what to do. I know what it’s like to want to give up, to call it quits, to SETTLE. 

I also know what it’s like to be on the other side of that – 

THRIVING in life and in business. Making more than enough money to buy all the healthy, organic food you want, and then some. I know what it’s like to do work you LOVE whole-heartedly. I know what it’s like to live like on YOUR terms, doing only the things that male you happy. 

I know what it’s like to succeed. And sure, I haven’t hit all my goals yet and I never will because my goals will always be replaced with BIGGER goals. That’s the point.

My goals are so big that I don’t truly expect to reach them. But the bigger my goals, the bigger my results. So I aim high. But the point is that I have reached a point in my life where I truly feel like I’ve succeed. For now, at least. 😉 Things are only going UP from here.

When you show up every day as YOU, and you do the work you were called to do, serving your clients, giving the value – 

That is exactly when you will succeed. 

Here’s how NOT to succeed – 

HOPING you’ll succeed. 
Second-guessing every decision you make.
Never investing in yourself.
Not believing in yourself. 
Always thinking negatively. 
Expecting someone else to make you successful.
Not putting in the work.
Giving up.

Being an entrepreneur is one of the hardest gigs you’ll ever have because if you fail, no one cares. Therefor, no one is watching your back to make sure you succeed. That is YOUR job and yours alone.

Because honestly, no one can believe in you FOR you. No one can force you to do the work. Only you can. 

Put one foot in front of the other every day, get up immediately after you get knocked down, wake up with enthusiasm every day, and stop screwing around on shit that doesn’t fucking matter!

When you can get out of your own head, focus on what matters, put your head down, and do the work, you have no other option than to succeed

Those clients will be banging down your door to work with you.
Your bank account numbers will continue to go up instead of dwindle.
Your passion and your drive will go UP and you will actually start having more FUN in your business.
People will start to pay more attention to you, start listening to you, start getting results from you and then RECOMMENDING you.
You will wake up every day with excitement instead of dread.
You will have more clarity, more time for the things that make you happy, more of an IMPACT in the world.

That’s what success is all about. And that’s what you’ll have when you finally decide that it’s a done deal.