I’m sick of lying and not being honest. So here’s the truth –

I’m sick of lying and not being honest. So here’s the truth –

When was the last time you allowed yourself to be 100% HONEST?

Honest about what you want
Honest about what you don’t
Honest about how you feel
Honest about where you are
Honest about what you need

Can you say that you’re being completely honest in every area of your life, with yourself, and with others?

I think we all have a bit of mystery to us. I think we all keep secrets, even from ourselves at times, but deep down, we want to be heard. We want to share our truths. 

You know what I mean?

OF COURSE you’re not trying to be secretive. OF COURSE you’re not actually TRYING to hide anything. OF COURSE you’re fucking human and have real feelings and real emotions. 

Of course!

And yet –

You keep hiding. You don’t allow yourself to speak up or to say what’s REALLY on your mind. You’re afraid you might make someone unhappy. You’re worried that someone might take what you say out of context and freak out. 

And I GET that you have these feelings come up. I have times that I really want to say something, but I don’t, because I’m scared of what the outcome will be, but I know that if I don’t do it – 

If I don’t honor my feelings – 

I will regret it. 

And there will be that sense of resentment there, which is no one’s fault but my own.

I don’t want to hurt anybody.
I want everyone to like me because I like everybody (for the most part, ha!).
I pride myself on being insanely loyal, but loyalty to MYSELF and my needs comes first.
And it makes me SAD when I feel as though I’ve let someone down or feel unimportant or like their needs don’t matter.
But sometimes you need to have those hard conversations. 
Sometimes you need to open up the lines of communication and just say what needs to be said.
Even if someone will get hurt unintentionally.

I think the point I’m trying to make here is that NO ONE wins if you’re not being honest. With yourself, with them, with everyone…

No one wins if you’re not being completely honest and looking out for your own best interests. No one wins if you’re not taking risks, and doing what’s scary and making big decisions.

In order for you to grow, for your community to grow, your team members to grow, your business to grow – 

You NEED to be honest.

And this honesty needs to come from a place of compassion, a place of respect, and a place of doing what’s RIGHT, even if you’re told that it’s wrong.

I’m going through a transition in my business right now that is really hard for me. I have hurt some feelings, I have said the wrong things, I have done the wrong things, I have been impatient, I have been ignorant, and I have been insensitive, even. 

And I’m sorry. 

I’m sorry that I’m human. 
I’m sorry that I make mistakes sometimes.
I’m sorry that I can’t make it all better. 
I’m sorry that I can’t be perfect (I wish I could, trust me!).
I’m sorry that I’m sporadic and sometimes irrational.

But I’m not sorry that I’m me. I’m not sorry that I choose honesty over lies. I’m not sorry that I’m doing what’s best for me.

That being said, this fucking hurts. And I feel like the worst person on the planet. And I just wanna cry when I think about it. 

I can’t begin to explain how painful it sometimes is when you need to step up and say something you’ve been holding onto for a long time. I know that honesty is important and I know that you must make extremely hard decisions sometimes, but god damn it, you’re ALLOWED to be sad about it. Mad about it. Happy about it, even, depending on what it is!

No one said being your own boss was gonna be easy.

There are tough decisions to make almost daily and you need to be able to put on your big girl pants and make them, without fear of what someone else will think about your decisions. And if you’re on the receiving end of those decisions, know that it likely isn’t personal and it’s probably for your best interests, too.

Don’t carry around the guilt
Don’t carry around the fear
Don’t carry around the sheer volume of negative shit that comes up when you have to make hard decisions.

You’re the boss. Just you. No one else. YOU get to decide how you let this impact you. It can affect you negatively, or you can treat it as an opportunity for bigger and better things to happen.

But know that honesty always wins.

Be honest. 

Never fear the result of your honesty.

Believe that honesty is the only thing to set your soul at ease and make your life inherently better. Because it is.

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!